// Part Twenty //

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"Step down from that ledge, you don't know what you're getting into. Colby don't do this - You've broken Ashley, so I sent her here to get you. I'm not waiting for you okay? I'm not good, I'm dangerous...so please move on."

I stepped down from the ledge and I heard the door open behind me, I saw Ashley, she looked entirely broken, just seeing what I did to her almost forced me back onto that ledge.

"I'm sorry~"

"No...I'm sorry, I should have supported you more. I knew you were struggling Colby and I'm sorry, I'm hurting too, I miss her too...maybe, maybe we should say goodbye properly..."

Ashley stepped aside and I saw Becky standing behind her, hands deep in the pockets of a leather jacket, just slightly smiling at me. Just seeing her alive, almost made me crumble. I've wanted her back so badly, but now she's here I just feel angry...if she was alive why didn't she come back, why is she still alive?!?

"Colby, I had no choice. It was either burn in that fire with Uther and end this awful war, or live a life of imprisonment. I was trying to save you...I never meant for you to see it."

"No...no, stop it. Why are you alive? How are you alive, I was about to kill myself because I couldn't live without you and have been ALIVE this whole time?!?"

"Nononono, I wasn't alive the whole time I promise."

Her eyes were wide and she had a hint of desperation in her voice, but I couldn't believe that. How was I supposed to? Becky is dead, this must be some kind of sick joke.

"Then how are you alive now!"

I managed to stumble out, as I tried to think of any way that she could really be here. What if I'm dead? What if this is all in my head? She paused for a moment to clear her throat, she was nervous but she has no right to be!

"Haven't you ever read about, rebirth, another chance of life. If the person who I love the most is in danger, if everyone is in agreement we're allowed to come back..."

"What type of excuse it that!"

I shouted, frustrated and upset that she'd just waltz back into my life, the exact thing I'd been hoping she'd do for the last few days.

"It's not an excuse, I have proof but Colby if you want to hate me...just hate me because you can't love me and I can't love you, you live to kill people like me, you're a vampire hunter! Just hate me, it'll make getting over me so much easier, I'll be dead again soon!"

"I was willing to go against my parents promise for you...because I love you, sorry I mean loved you. Now give me that proof."

She pulled a sheet of paper out of her pocket and stepped timidly forward to hand it to me. I read over it quickly and I saw it was true, she wasn't lying to me. She really was dead, oh my god! Fuck, she really was dead. She did burn in that fire, she did do it...she must've put herself though so much pain and for what? For her to save my life and for me to hate her, no that's not fair. I love her...I'm angry because I love her, because I thought I'd lost her forever and I haven't.

"Ashley, please could you give us a moment."

"Yeah sure, I'll go sit downstairs."

"Becky, I'm sorry."

She shook her head, moving slightly forward to sit on the ledge. The sun was now completely down, just the moonlight rippling through the city below. She had a sort of sad smile on her face, an almost guilty one and I felt my heart sink.

"Colby I'm sorry... I never meant for any of this to happen, if I could have stopped Uther in some other way I would've. Just hearing you screaming my name as I went up in flames burned more than any fire could've, it hurt so bad and I did it all for you because I wanted you to be safe but it turns out I just put you in so much more danger."

"You didn't."

"Yes I did, or five minutes ago you wouldn't have been ready to throw yourself off this damn ledge!"

"Becky I wanted to be with you, I want to be with you. I'm sorry for being angry, I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that you were back, that you were alive. I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, I've got around an hour until I'll be going back to the Vale."

"No Becky you can't..."

"I have to."

"You're not leaving me again, no I can't do it. I love you."

"You can't."

A/N: We're getting close to the end...probably a few more chapters! And just for anyone who didn't know, a Vale is a place to go after death. Hope you're all doing okay and if you need to chat my inbox is always open! ❤️

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