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I've just got home from school and something seems off, we were supposed to be going out for my 16th birthday tonight. I call out and get no response, as I get further into the house a smell starts to fill the air. It's a strange smell, it's unpleasant but I walk closer to it. I open my parents door slightly and see two vampires standing over them their fangs dripping blood, it made my stomach twist. One of them looked up so I dived out of the way, I ran out of my house and I didn't stop running until I reached my best friends house. I hammered on the door but I got no answer.

"Becky! Please open up!"

Still nothing, I turned around and saw the vampires getting closer to me. I booked it into the woods and watched them enter Becky's house, but leave mere minutes after. My heart is thumping in my chest and I fear they can hear it. So many thoughts are filling my mind and I don't know what to do, my parents are dead, Becky is gone and I have nothing left anymore. One of the vampires spots me and a sadistic smile appears on its face, I scramble off the ground and run as fast as I can to Ashley's house. I pound on the door and she answers, I tell her everything and she grabs a shotgun. We watch as multiple vampires swarm our neighbourhood, we are both forced to run or we'll die. We've both lost everything and everyone that matters, I will not let those bastards get away with it. I will kill every last vampire even if it kills me, they all deserve to burn in hell for what they have done today.

*2 months later*

I've done nothing but try and find these vampires, me and Ashley never bothered enrolling in a new school. My grief has manifested into pure anger, a fire has been lit inside me and it'll only go out once every single bastard vampire is killed. I will stop at nothing or for no one. Mark. My. Words.

A/N: Hiiiiii! So I'm already back with a new book! The chapters will be shorter which means I'll be able to post more frequently, I hope you liked the kinda first chapter of 'The Vampire Hunter!' I hope to see you all for the next!

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