23: heart to heart

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A/N: the banner is legit them - such cuties 😍


The first thing that I became aware of was the steady beeping of machines. That was the first clue that I was in hospital. Then the smell of medication hit me. As I became aware of my body once more, I felt it throb with pain. My fingers twitched and I became aware of the coarse over-bleached hospital sheets. My other hand felt warm, and was lying on something much softer.

My chest was still hurting but I could breathe now, it no longer felt like I was drowning on land. My eyelids felt stuck together and I struggled to get my eyes open. When I did, one refused to open more than the other and felt swollen, reminding me that I most likely had a black eye.

I took in the dim lighted room, still perplexed at how I got here. Maybe the sirens had been real, and not just in my head. I glanced to the right and for a second thought I was hallucinating. Mitch was there, seated on the hospital chair by my side. My hand was warm because he was holding it. His head was propped up on his fist as he stared off into the distance, creating a broody outline. Indeed, his eyebrows were furrowed with worry, his eyes tired.

Seeing that I'd hallucinated that he was there while my father had beaten me, I was scared for a second to hope that he really truly was there this time. I remembered calling his name just before everything went dark, and it seemed like a miracle that he'd heard me and came.

"Mitch?" I finally managed to cough out, my voice hoarse.

He jumped like a startled hare and his head snapped to my direction. His eyes brightened with relief as they connected with mine and a smile graced his face.

"Zedd! You're awake! How are you feeling?" He squeezed my hand and bent over the bed.

"Water," I coughed out.

"Oh of course, sorry," Mitch looked apologetic as he stood to fill up a glass for me, "Here you go."

He passed the glass to me and his fingers brushed against mine. Our eyes connected again for a split second before we looked away. We hadn't seen each other since the kiss on the oval, and now we were acting like two shy lovestruck teenagers. My hand shook slightly as I brought the glass to my mouth.

"Help me?" I muttered to Mitch.

"Of course," he murmured back before coming closer to my hospital bed.

I could feel his presence by my side, see him from my peripheral vision. I felt like every nerve in my body was electrified in his presence. He sat himself gingerly on the edge of the bed, and slid a hand behind my head. I shivered slightly as I felt his fingers thread through my hair. I grunted as I propped myself up a bit with Mitch's help. My ribs twinged and I was momentarily winded by the pain. I would have dropped the glass if Mitch's hand hadn't come up to steady mine.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly,

I grunted in response and slowly sipped a little water. My brain felt all fuzzy and the cool liquid helped wake me up a bit. Unfortunately it also meant that I was even more aware of the pain my body was in.

"So, what happened?" Mitch finally asked as he put the glass back on the table and helped me lie back down.

I sighed and let my head sink back into the pillow. My eyes fluttered closed for an instant as I gathered my thoughts. I opened them back up and let them trail over Mitch's beautiful face. I told him what had happened when I got home. His face blanched as he realised my father had seen us kissing, then he clenched his fists as he listened to me describe the beating. After a moment of silence, I dared to speak up about my hallucination.

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