25: mine

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A/N: get ready people 😏 this is (pre-) something you have all been waiting for since a while hehe... (btw sorry for taking a while for this update)

Btw the banner is very accurate and I love this drawing very much because you have no idea how hard it is to find an accurate pic of Zitch - enjoy! 😉



A week had passed and I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. Mitch visited me every day, bringing me homework (which I avoided unless I was truly bored) and passing on messages from the others. When he wasn't there, Isabelle kept me company, and we'd talk about all that had happened since we had last seen each other, and laugh about Mason's infatuation. I didn't see Uncle Alex very often because he spent most of his time with my mother in various courts of law to organise my father's trial and his takeover of my father's half of the company.

My father was in jail awaiting his trial and had been refused bail thanks to my uncle, so I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt freer than ever. And all I wanted was to be with Mitch. So, as soon as the hospital told me I could go, I grabbed my belongings and jumped into a taxi home. Isabelle was out with my uncle and mother so it wasn't like anyone would miss me. As soon as I got home I chucked my stuff in my room, changed into a shirt that didn't smell like the hospital and raced around the back to my motorbike. My mother would probably have a fit if she saw me getting on my motorbike so soon after leaving the hospital, but I didn't care. I had somewhere to be. Now.

I revved the engine and made my way through the streets towards Mitch's house. My ribs still twinged slightly if I moved too brusquely but otherwise I felt perfectly fine. My bruises hadn't completely disappeared but they were not as vibrant as before and the swelling around my eye had drastically decreased. I was impatient to see my Mitch although I wasn't sure what I was going to say when I saw him. I hadn't given much thought about what was going on between us, preferring to just enjoy the affection in the hospital rather then try to figure anything out. I stood by the fact that I didn't want to label my own sexuality, but enough had happened for me to accept that I was at least bicurious and VERY attracted to Mitch.

In fact, it's been a while since I've been able to think about anybody other than Mitch. Just thinking about him now made a smile rise on my face as I rode my motorbike. The wind blew in my face, tugging my brown locks back and I never felt freer. I couldn't wait to see him, to let him hold me in his arms, because now I could, without fear of the repercussions. I wanted him to kiss me and touch me and make me moan like he had a long time ago. I wanted to explore this attraction I felt with him, I wanted to stop trying to control my feelings and just let myself get carried away with the lust. God, just thinking about the things Mitch could or would do to me if I let him was making me hot all over. My dick twitched in my jeans and I gulped, forcing myself to think of something else as I struggled to stop my motorbike from swerving dangerously.

I made the rest of my way to Mitch's house without any other incidents, instead thinking about my upcoming assignments which, trust me, was a major turnoff. Anyway, I parked in front of his house, taking my time to remove my helmet to try and quell my nerves. I didn't know why I was suddenly procrastinating or feeling so nervous. I realised I was sweating and my heart jittery, as if I was about to do a presentation in front of class. I was about to consider getting back on my bike and yeeting out of there to brainstorm what I could possibly say to Mitch if came face to face with him, but just as I was turning away, I heard the front door bang open.

"Zedd?" I heard Mitch call out and I spun around, feeling (and probably looking) guilty.

"Uh yeah?" I replied, unable to form coherent thoughts and sentences.

Mitch stood on his porch, a tight white t-shirt revealing his muscles, and low-slung jeans letting a strip of chocolate skin appear teasingly. I gulped. All the effort I had made to turn myself off crumbled away. I put down the helmet and walked up the few stairs to join Mitch on his porch.

"You drove your motorbike here? What the hell were you thinking?!" he berated me, his voice worried, putting his arm out behind him to shut his front door.

"I wanted to come visit," I shrugged, looking at the outline of his strong shoulders in his shirt.

"You need to be more careful Zedd," Mitch sighed, bringing a hand up to cup my cheek, "You were just in the hospital. Since when were you released anyway?"

"Today," I leaned into his palm, avoiding his gaze.

"Today?! Zedd... I'm happy you're out," Mitch sighed, "but you need to be more responsible. We can't have you hurting your ribs again," he lifted up my shirt, taking in the fading mottled blue bruising that stretched across my ribcage like an ugly tattoo.

"I needed to see you," I mumbled, looking up at his face, daring to voice the truth.

In the brief moment of silence that followed (that seemed to last way too long), I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. I had stepped off the precipice into the unknown.

"Zedd," Mitch spoke softly, his caramel eyes widening as he took in the sincerity in my voice.

Heart skipping a beat at his dulcet tones, I licked my lips in apprehension. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips and froze. I hadn't meant to tease him. But I wanted him to kiss me so badly. As if he could read my mind, Mitch tilted his head forward and brushed his lips tantalisingly against mine. I chased his lips but he moved his face away, looking at me with thoughtful eyes. Not wanting to talk and determined to get a kiss, I crossed the small space between us and wrapped a hand around the back of his neck to pull him closer. His lips were soft against mine and sinfully talented. I felt Mitch's arms slowly move up and circle around my waist, holding me close to him. I relaxed in his warm muscular embrace - there was no other place I would rather be.

"I'm scared I'm going to hurt you by holding you too tightly," Mitch murmured as he pulled away.

"You could never hurt me," I smiled slightly before further nuzzling into his arms.

The feeling of his body all warm and pressed up against mine made me feel electrified. I couldn't get used to this feeling. His groin brushed against mine and I gulped as my semi-hard on twitched.

"I want you," I raised my head and whispered in Mitch's ear.

I felt his fingers tighten in surprise on my hips, and heard his sharp intake of breath.

"Zedd," Mitch's voice was husky and it made me shiver in desire, "I always want you, but my siblings are home and the walls are thin in my house. And I want to hear you moan loud."

"Well," I blushed and pulled back to look at his face, feeling all flustered, "There's no one at my place," I smirked.

Mitch stared at me in semi-shock and semi-arousal. The way his pupils dilated in his caramel irises as he looked at me made me feel like I was his next meal. He shifted closer to me (still not breaking eye contact) and I swallowed hard as I realised he was also semi-erect as he brushed up against my thigh. Mitch leaned forward and pulled my bottom lip into his mouth, sucking it slightly as he continued to stare at me with a filthy stare.

"Fine," he spoke, his voice low, "But I'm driving."

"O-okay," I gulped at the double entendre.

I followed him down the stairs to my motorbike, my blood hot and my pants beginning to tighten. Holy fuck, what had I gotten myself into...


A/N: *clears throat* hehehe hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😏

As always, thoughts? Predictions? I think we all know what's gonna go down in the next chapter... right? 😉

Remember to vote & comment 💞

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