22: stay alive

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A/N: things are going uphill from now on, don't worry 😅


I was lying on my bed after my shower, recalling Zedd's kiss over and over again, when the phone call came. I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my bedside table. It was Zedd. I was surprised. Honestly, I couldn't remember the last time he had called me. But maybe things had changed now. It certainly felt like it when he was one to cross the distance between us on the oval.

"Hey Zedd?" I picked up the call, still perplexed.

"Mitch? Is that you?" An adult female voice rang through the phone, and distantly I could hear the sounds of sirens.

Fear gripped me. Shit. Did something happen to Zedd? I swallowed hard.

"Uh yes, this is Mitch," I replied, "Who are you? Is Zedd okay?"

"Hello Mitch, it's been a while. This is Zedd's mum, if you remember me. Unfortunately no, Zedd is not okay. I'm in the ambulance with him riding to hospital at the moment," Zedd's mum replied.

I squeezed the fist that wasn't holding the phone so tightly that my nails bit into my skin. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't lose him.

"Of course I remember you Mrs Menz. But please, tell me, is Zedd okay?" My voice came out hoarse.

"I won't lie to you, he's in a pretty bad shape. We're not sure of the extent of the damage just yet, but they've stabilised his collapsed lung for now," Mrs Menz replied and I could hear the worry in her voice.

"A collapsed lung?!" My voice came out squeaky, "Is he going to be alright?"

"Yes, one of his broken ribs punctured it. Now that the paramedics have got oxygen into him he should be okay, but he'd stopped breathing and still can't breathe by himself. I was so scared Mitch," Mrs Menz's voice wobbled.

"Why did you call me Mrs Menz?" I asked, trying not to show my fear in my voice, "And how did this happen? Was it... was it his father?"

There was a moment of silence in which all I could hear was the sirens of the ambulance.

"He told you then? I guess there is no point hiding the truth anymore," Mrs Menz sighed, "Yes, my husband did it. You will be glad to know he is now in prison facing multiple assault charges. I had to put a stop to it. I thought he would kill Zedd," she sniffled, "And I called you from Zedd's phone because your name was the last thing he said before blacking out."

It was my turn to be struck silent. I blinked back tears. Poor Zedd. My suspicions had been right. I should have tried to help him sooner, even if he refused my help. At least that bastard was now behind bars, where he belongs.

"Mitch, I'm going to have to end this call now, we're arriving at the hospital," Mrs Menz spoke up through the phone.

"Okay! But wait, my mum is on call tonight, so ask for nurse Mrs Ox, tell them Zedd is a friend of her son. She will take good care of him. And I'll be there soon," I spoke rapidly.

"Of course, I remember your mother was a nurse. Thank you Mitch. I guess I'll see you soon. You really are a good friend for Zedd," Mrs Menz concluded before cutting off the call.

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