16: truths uncovered

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A/N: enjoy some more Zitch 😊

Mitch cont.

The cool night air slapped across our faces as I drove, hopefully sobering Zedd up a bit. When I came to a stop in my driveway, I waited for Zedd to remove his hands from around my waist but he didn't.

"Zedd... we're here," I commented and gently prised his hands from around my waist.

Zedd groaned as I stood up from the bike and scrabbled with the catch of the helmet. Seeing how uncoordinated he was, I sighed and moved forward quickly, grabbing the latch from Zedd. I could feel his eyes on me as I undid the latch myself, and I tried not to pay attention to the tingles I got when my fingertips grazed the underneath of his jaw.

"Let's go," I broke the silence and put his helmet away in its place.

Zedd took a step forward towards my house and stumbled. I was glad soccer had given me quick reflexes as I managed to catch Zedd before he fell. He slumped against me and my heart thundered inside me as I revelled in the feeling of him in my arms.

"Come one Zeddy," I used the nickname he only ever let me use (in the past at least), "Let's get you into a bed."

I only realised too late that my words could have a double meaning and I glanced down at Zedd to see if he had noticed. He was looking at me with those beautiful green eyes of his, his pupils blown out, and biting his lip. I couldn't resist that look, I really couldn't. I leaned forward and gently pulled his lips from between his teeth with my own, sucking slightly on his bottom lip. He let out a small moan that made me want to bend him over his motorbike, but of course that couldn't happen.

"Come on," I reluctantly turned away from him, but kept an arm around his shoulders to help him walk up the stairs of my porch.

He let me guide him up the stairs and through my front door, which I locked again behind me.

"Ruby I'm back!" I said loudly but didn't shout as Sarah was in bed at this time of the night.

Zedd and I were halfway across the entry when Ruby came running down the hallway that led to her bedroom.

"Mitch you're back!" she smiled before raising an eyebrow as her gaze slid over to Zedd.

"Uh Zedd are you okay?" she asked him, looking him up and down.

"Oh heya Ruby!" Zedd giggled slightly, "I'm fine! Fine as can be," he waved a hand around and nearly hit me in the face.

"He's not fine," I rolled my eyes, "He's drunk. Go back to bed Rubes, I'll take care of him. If you're awake before me though don't tell mum tomorrow morning, I'll tell her myself, okay?"

"Fine," Ruby put her hands on her hips with a pout before spinning around and disappearing back down the hallway.

I watched her go before looking back at Zedd. He wasn't looking at her, but at the wall, as if there was something interesting on it. The wall itself was just that, a wall, and didn't have anything on it. Sighing, I jostled Zedd and we began moving up the stairs. I momentarily cursed the fact that my room wasn't on the ground floor as Zedd leaned heavily on me.

I could remember the time Ruby had a crush on Zedd. She was twelve or something and he was fourteen, just hitting puberty and starting to buff out. She would hide in the hallway when Zedd and I hung out, spying on him. Zedd was always nice to her, but treated her like a little sister, and I was glad for that because at the time he was starting to construct his playboy reputation and I didn't want my sister to get hurt. It hurt Ruby to hear Zedd boasting about his conquests but I don't think he ever noticed. Eventually she moved on and whenever I talk to her about it nowadays, she always brushes it off as a meaningless child crush. But there must have been something about Zedd that made members of my family fall for him. Because I also wanted to keep him for myself, which I later realised was because I, myself, had a crush on him.

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