11: it's not what you think

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A/N: I already posted a message on my message board...but again, I'm sorry and I'm back and don't worry I WILL FINISH this goddamn amazing story xoxo 😅

Anyways, where were we...poor Zedd is in heaps of shit...and be ready to welcome back Stephanie! 🙃



I really didn't want to go to school on Friday. But I had to. My father hadn't left yet.

I was tired. I'd had trouble sleeping. When I wasn't freaking out about my plan, I was trying to forget about that look in Mitch's eyes when I thought he was going to kiss me. Or I was trying to ignore that knowing glint in Mason's eyes just before I'd punched him, or the way I'd messed up with Lucie. In the end, I didn't sleep much. I was scared of my thoughts. I caught up with my homework and study that I was behind on, and now all I wanted to do was to sleep on my desk.

But then it was morning and I had to go to school, however tired I was. Plus, I wanted to spend minimal time around my father, and hopefully when I got back after school he would already have left for his business trip. I shrugged on my dark grey hoodie because its hood fell low over my brow and I could hide in the shadows. I didn't want to talk to anyone today. I didn't want to see anyone. Fuck, I didn't want to have to hear anyone. But school was compulsory and I'd rather be at school than around my father. I packed my school bag haphazardly, ahead on study for once, and jogged down the stairs.

"Bye mum," I kissed her on the cheek while grabbing the toast and apple she was holding out to me.

"Have a good day at school!" she called out as I made my way to the front door.

I decided I would buy lunch at the school's cafeteria. I passed my father in the dining room, didn't say hello, and went out the front door while munching my piece of toast. Sliding the apple in my hoodie's pocket, I decided I'd eat it at school. I slid on my helmet and straddled my trusty motorbike, zooming down the streets a couple of seconds later.

As I walked through the school gates, I could see people looking at me out of the corner of their eyes, whispering among their friends. It's not that I wasn't used to people muttering rumours about me, but it was starting to get to me, those judgmental and critical glances. They don't know shit about me, why I do things, or who I truly am. I knew I had treated Lucie badly, and I was nervous to find out what rumours she'd spread about me.

I was on my way to my first class when I saw her vibrant red hair, among a group of her friends. I was about to turn around and make a run for it when I heard my name being called.

"Zedd!" Lucie called again, a wide smile on her face and waving her hands in the air.

"Uh hi Lucie?" I stood still (and confused) as the group of girls approached me, some staying back fearfully but Lucie plonking herself straight in front of me.

"I just wanted to say thanks for the ride," she winked at me suggestively and her friends giggled.

"Uh sure," I replied even more confused, but sending her my trademark smirk in an effort to act normal.

"But I think we would work better as friends," she added with a smile.

"Uh ok," I mumbled, totally out of my depth.

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