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7 years later (10 years after Percy's banishment)

     "Και επιστρέψτε τον στον κόσμο μας." The Gods chant. It had been 2 years since Percy had been banished and since, further evidence had been found that Percy had not committed the crime he had been accused of.

     Evidence such as the fact that the Goddess had NOT been raped, as stated by Artemis in the trial. Further evidence being more witness testimonies giving different descriptions of the perpetrator. They seemed to describe someone that looked like him but had differences. 1 was that he seemed to be more plump than Percy, another that his mannerisms were different. He was more rough, as opposed to how Percy was usually described as gentle unless you threatened friends or family.

     Because of this, Demeter had switched sides to support Percy's innocence. Dionysus, while may have hated demi-gods, did listen to reason as madness usually started by a voice stating reasons to do things they wouldn't usually do. Because of this, he had also switched sides.

     This made the vote 7-5, in Percy's favor. A direct reversal of the vote that sent him to Tartarus in the 1st place. As such, he has to be released. They had been chanting the release spell for the last 2 hours and now a bright light had brightened the room.

     When the light dimmed down, the God's were shocked at what they saw. It appeared that they had not teleported a person, but an entire piece of land with him. There were 4 huts made of drakon hide, 1 giant and 3 smaller, fields growing crops, and a black gooey human-like figure fighting a beautiful drakon.

     The figure formed a giant scythe out of its hand (A/N. refer to media picture) and smashed the head of the drakon from the side, sending it flying before it laid there dead. That also surprised the Gods as monsters turn to dust when killed.

     The figure then shrank and turned into a shirtless Percy Jackson. He started collecting meat from the corpse and putting it into bags made from drakon hide and labeled them by scratching one word into each.

     What caught the Gods attention was the tattoos on his back. They displayed an hourglass, a nuclear explosion, a sword, torch, and a wave. Unknown to them, these displayed his weapons, his Katana πόλεμος, Rapier τελευτή,  his falcata Φῶς, and his scythe χρόνος. (Translation: war,  Destruction, Light, Time)

     Once he gathered all the meat, he brought it to the middle of the land that the huts were built on. There he lit a fire and started to cook the meat that was inside the bags. Now, that may sound stupid, but drakon hide is really insulated. Meaning it cooked faster as it had trapped the heat from the fire inside. Once he was finished cooking the meat, he took it off the fire.

     He walked up to one of the huts. He suddenly grew a black shirt that fitted his form really well. He knocked on the door and called out, "Yo, Star, breakfast is ready."

     This intrigued the Gods as they did not know of anyone called Star that lived in Tartarus. Athena seemed to take this the hardest. Her hubris had gotten out of control. She was also extremely pissed that Percy had been allowed to leave Tartarus. She began scheming on how to get rid of her nemesis' son for good. Another thing she didn't know was that it would be relatively hard as he was immortal, a titan, and had a celestial killing symbiote in him.

     He walked to the hut that was across from the previous one and again knocked on the door. He called out "Hey, Death Girl, if you're awake, breakfast is ready." This was followed by the previous hut's door opening revealing a healthy looking Zoe Nightshade, saying sarcastically, "Yay, drakon meat, again."

     The 2nd hut's door opened revealing Bianca Di Angelo, also looking very healthy. Percy however paid her no mind as he retorted to Zoe's jab with, "The potatoes might be ready, want me to check?" in a way that said, 'deal with it.'

     Artemis was flabbergasted. Here were 2 of her former hunters that had gone missing from Hades' realm, hanging out and being friendly with Perseus Jackson, who was in Tartarus. She watched as they sat down around the fire and ate the drakon meat.

     Finally, after finishing breakfast, the 3 noticed they were in the God's throne room. They just stared blankly at Zeus, none of them particularly caring who they were in front of.

     "Do you not bow?!" Zeus boomed. The 3 Tartarus survivor's just stared. Then, Percy spoke.

     "And why should we?" His voice was no longer care-free like it was when he was talking to Zoe and Bianca. It was cold, calculated. But it was almost as if it was deeper, like he wasn't just referring to him, Zoe, and, Bianca when he said we.

     "You are in the presence of a higher power boy, now BOW!" Athena screeched like an owl.

     Now, if she were actually wise like she was supposed to be, she would think that hey, maybe someone who was sent to Tartarus by you wouldn't feel obligated in the slightest to bow. Percy was struggling to keep calm with Venom in his head screaming.

     "The AUDACITY of this bitch!"

     'Venom, not right now. I agree, but not now.' Percy was telling him.

     "I believe you are wrong, Wisdom Goddess." Percy said, icily.

     "Oh, and how am I. I mean, I am the wisest." Athena asked.

      Venom came out and surrounded Percy's body. Zeus, upon seeing that paled. He thought he locked them away in... Tartarus... Shit! Percy brought back a symbiote and could probably kill them all with very little effort. 

     "I am a symbiote, a being meant to kill Celestials. Basically more powerful primordal's. And don't try attacking us, some Titan's have tried, they're dead now."

     And just like that, Percy just dropped a bigger bomb than the Americans over Hiroshima. 

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