Memories and Reactions

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     Percy crouched. He had been stalking Pallas for about a week. Percy wasn't sure how long it was for sure. Time was weird as there was no sun to mark a day. It was just dark. So, Percy was gonna stick with a week.

     And there was Pallas, sitting and scheming. Percy knew he planned to start killing the drakon, starving Percy, so he had to kill him before Pallas carried out his plan. He had heard of the plan from a couple of empousa that he killed when they tried to burn his crops.

     Percy walked into the clearing silently. Avoiding the shattered opaque glass that made up most of the ground in the hellhole. He cleared his throat, snapping Pallas out of his nefarious plannings.

     "Ahh, Perseus, long time no kill!" Pallas said almost yelling.

     "Was hoping to never see your face." Percy said drawing Riptide.

     "Straight to fighting eh?" Pallas smirked. Then summoned a katana.

     Percy stood back not attacking first. Pallas, not very patient as he was basically a titan version of Ares, lunged forward with a strike to Percy's left arm. Percy rolled to the right effectively dodging the strike. He then slashed at Pallas' leg while rolling and catching Pallas by surprise. Pallas, wounded, had to start limping effectively giving Percy the advantage of speed. Percy started making faster strikes and leaving shallow cuts all over Pallas' body. Percy then jumped up and sliced off Pallas' left hand. Then Percy felt a presence in his mind.

     "Please, allow me." Venom said.

     "Take it away." Percy replied.

     Venom came out and was suddenly the same height as Pallas; about 7' tall. "Hello." Venom said. And then promptly bit his head off. The rest of Pallas' body started flickering then faded from view leaving nothing but but a katana behind.

     Percy came back and looked at the katana and picked it up. Upon doing so the weapon glowed a soft sea-green light and vanished and became a sword tattoo on his back. He summoned the katana by imagining it and saw a name on the flat part of the blade. Τελευτή. War.


     It has been a couple months since Pallas' defeat and Percy was once again hunting a titan. This was actually a bounty from another Titaness, Asteria, to be exact. Apparently Perses had become abusive in their marriage and Asteria was tired of it. So she hired Percy, who was more than willing, to kill him. She promised to give him a bow. Which he decided he would just keep it on a wall or give it to someone who could actually use it.

     He found Perses lounging around the Styx. Apparently the Styx ran through a forest. Perses seemed to be touching a woman with dark blue hair and pale skin that had tears in her eyes. Percy's eyes widened. He had protected goddess' from being raped and here was his bounty about to commit one. Deciding to end the poor woman's suffering, he slow-clapped into the clearing from behind the bush he was hiding behind.

     Perses' eyes widened as he recognized the amount of pure sass that emitted from the slow-clap behind him. He turned around putting an arrogant smile on his face. But between you and me, it was fake. He had heard stories of the legendary demi-god, the one who killed Kronos, the King of the Titans, the one who killed, Gaea, a primordial, the one who defended goddesses from being raped. He was in all honesty, scared. But again, keep that between you and me.

     Venom took over at Percy's request. It wasn't even a long fight. Venom formed a blade out of his hand. It was almost a replica of τελευτή, except that it was black with white sprinkled inside. Stabbed Perses and then bit off his head in an eerie replay of the fading of Pallas. All that was left behind was a rapier. With one word engraved in the hilt. πόλεμος, Destruction. Just like before, it became a tattoo on his back, a nuclear explosion.


     "I'm telling you, if we're gonna find this guy, the Phelgathon is the perfect place to find him." Venom said.

     Percy and Venom had been hunting Hyperion for a month now and Percy was tired of the endless hunt. He wanted to fade this Titan and sleep in his bed made of drakon hide.

     'Fine Venom.' Percy said.

     Venom took over and rushed off in the direction that Venom thought he last saw the river of fire. After about an hour of running and climbing, they reached the Phlegathon. And there was Hyperion in the river, bathing. Sadly as Venom walked out, Hyperion turned around and his eyes widened.

     Hyperion instantly flashed on some clothes and hopped out of the fiery water. Then summoned a falcata. Again, wasn't even a fight. Venom formed a katana and with the precision of a surgeon, sliced at Hyperion's body. He then bit off Hyperion's arm. His sword arm to be exact. With wide eyes Hyperion met his death with a scream, leaving nothing but a flaming falcata. With the name Φῶς, Light.


     Percy needed to cool off. Sure he liked living with Zoë and Bianca, but sometimes, their man-hating qualities just got too much, more Zoë than Bianca as she didn't have time to develop the feelings. So sometimes, he needed to go for a walk to clear his head.

     This time, the walk was different. This time, he was going a new route, falling the Lethe, and not the Styx, when he came across a scythe embedded in a wall of obsidian. Curious, Percy walked over to it and noticed that it had the same bimetallic properties as Kronos' scythe. He grabbed the handle and pulled it free. As he did so, the scythe glowed in a soft golden light, much better than when Kronos wielded it.

     The scythe disappeared and became an hourglass tattoo on his back. Χρόνος, Time.


     "THEN YOU'RE TOO POWERFUL TO BE LEFT ALIVE." Zeus, the eternal idiot, boomed, before throwing his Master Bolt at Percy.

     Percy being an eternal badass, stood there, unleashed Venom, then promptly ate the lightning. The gods stood there shocked. This... thing, just ate a symbol of power. Just how truly powerful was he?

     Just then, the Fates popped in. They... just showed up. "You know, Perseus, you are so unpredictable, we don't know what's going to happen in the future. Which means, if Perseus is involved, prophecies don't mean anything. So, we can only make suggestions. Which leads us to why we are here. We suggest that Perseus, here, go with the hunt!"

A/N. I know it has been a while. You don't know how long it took me to rewrite this chapter. I had no motivation to do so, but while watching Lucifer, I was able to do it. So I hope you enjoyed some backstory. Next thing I am going to update is Perseus The Disgraced Archangel. I am actually really excited about that one.

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