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Percy PoV

     Falling. Again. Into hell. Again. Honestly I have to stop falling. St. Louis Arch, Fell after Clarisse's ship blew up, fell from the sky after I blew up Mt. Saint Helen's, after blowing up the Princess Andromeda, fell off a glacier, and finally into Tartarus the 1st time.

     I'm still pissed at Athena for that dirty plan. She really hates me because of my dad. Like Jeez, I can't control who my father is. And Artemis had actual proof it wasn't me. Seeing that I was still a virgin, I therefore haven't had sex, therefore I couldn't have raped her. That and I was on the other side of the country at the time. Reminds me of that John Mulaney special I watched with Annabeth. The one where is mom blamed him with the assassination of princess Diana. "I was in Wisconsin at the time and 12." Type of vibe.

     I have been falling for about 3 days and I still haven't reached the bottom. When I saw red clouds. CLOUDS! Clouds are just condensed water vapor. That means- I started controlling the water vapor to make a cushion for a soft landing.

     I took a look around. Still the same hell hole. Though I began to see it as some opportunities. Last time I was here I learned how to control poison. Maybe I could learn how to control it better. That way I could potentially extract poison from wounds if there is any.

     1st things 1st though. Shelter, or a place I could call home. My mind instantly went to Damasen's hut. Shelter and herbs to start with. A source of meat given by the drakon if it still attacks daily. Water from the swamp. It is the perfect place to live in here. Now came the long way to Tartarus' stomach.

Time Skip

     It took a while and a couple drinks from the Phlegathon, but I finally arrived at the hut. I made my way inside. It was just as giant as I remember. I made my way up to the bed and climbed the blankets. I decided to take a nap. It had been a long day.

Line break

     "ROAR!" And just like that I was awoken. I looked through the window to see who interrupted my sleep and I saw the drakon.
"Looks like it's time to get some food." I mumbled to myself.

     I uncapped Riptide and got into stance. The drakon charged and I tensed up. I jumped up over him and cut off his head. Quick and easy fight.

     I crouched down to look at the spoils of the kill. "Let's see, we've got some Drakon meat, some hide, that'll be good, I should learn how to sew. And a tooth." I mumbled to myself.

     I walked around the swamp and cut some of the branches of a tree off. I cut some of the sticks on the branches off. I arranged the sticks into a pyramid and started walking to the Phlegathon. I got some in my hands and poured it over the sticks lighting them on fire. Finding 2 sticks that were in the shape of an uppercase "Y", I positioned them on either side of the fire and placed a stick with drakon meat on it, onto the 2 sticks. I let the fire cook the meat for a couple minutes, slowly turning it to get an even cook.

     Now I don't know why, but Drakon meat tastes like chicken. It's weird. Tastes exactly like it. I wonder if I could find a way to fry it?

     Now that food is taken care of, I am faced with a bigger problem. Subjectively not objectively. This is a giants hut. Everything is too dam big. I looked at my spoils of war. Some hide from the drakon. I could make a bed out of this.

     I start with cutting some of the trees down and planting new ones to keep the supply up. I use the wood to make a bed frame and use the hide for a blanket. I take some leaf's and lay them on the bed fame. And now I have a bed that I don't have to climb like it's a mountain if I want to sleep

     I lay down in it. Its kind of comfortable, a little hard due to the wood, but more leaves should fix that.

     I decided to sleep and fight the drakon again in the morning.

Line Break

     Today I decided to explore the terrain around the swamp. It would be good to know it in case I need to defend it.

     Around the swamp was hills of obsidian, a river of fire and one of permanent memory loss which combined to make regular water for some reason. I'm not complaining.

     I haven't seen the drakon yet, so I'm worried about that- "ROAR!" Nevermind. Looks like I woke up early then.

     I once again kill him. Some more hide, meat and another tooth. I wonder what I should do with the teeth. I have 2 of them. Maybe make some knives out of them. Could use some of the hide to make a grip. That could be good. I looked at the teeth in my hand and I could've sworn that there was  a black spot on the backside of my hand but the next moment it was gone. I decided that I just needed sleep.

Line Break

     "Percy." I woke up to my name being called by a deep voice. There wasn't anyone around me though. That's it, I'm going crazy. "No you're not. I'm in your head." Thats literally a tell tale sign of being crazy. "But I'm actually here. In you." That's weird. So... you're like a parasite? "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" What? "Apologize!" Okay, okay, I'm sorry. So what are you. "I'm a symbiote." Which is? "Symbiotes need hosts to survive. We were made to kill Celestials." So you are a parasite. And what is a Celestial? "I AM NOT A PARASITE! Celestials are all powerful beings. Let me look through your memories here... Compare them to Primordials." Great. Do I have to fight those now? "You shouldn't have too. You can't breathe on space, but I could solve that problem." So how long you gonna stay. "I'm a part of you now. We're compatible. We match. If I go to someone who doesn't, well me and that host dies." So... Do you have a name? What can I call you? "Well its us together." Well let's not do all that. "I can make it all that."

     My body then gets covered in the black stuff I saw earlier. Seeing was weird. It was like looking through someone else's eyes. I then got my body back. So I guess its we then huh.

     "Correct Percy." That's a 1st. But you still haven't answered my question. "We are VENOM"

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