Old Dead Friends

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     Venom huh? So what do you want? "What does anyone want to live." I know, but like, what are your terms? "A little control, things to eat, and I don't know, I'll get to it in a little bit." So what do you eat? "Anything alive, humans included, Tater Tots, and Chocolate." You have weird tastes. "It all has a certain chemical that I also need to live." So now what? What is there to do? "Well. The way I see it, we can do whatever WE want."

Time Skip About 3 Years
3rd PoV

     It's been 3 years since the banishment of Olympus' Savior, Perseus Jackson. Minor Goddesses were still getting raped. In fact it had been getting worse. It turned out that Percy was stopping a lot of rapes from happening. But no one knew. And the Minor Goddesses weren't allowed in the trial.

     That wasn't all though. Tensions have risen on Olympus. All the Gods that voted for Percy's banishment were ignored by the ones who voted for his innocence, and the Minor Gods. Poseidon often held secret meetings with them to figure out if there was a way to get Percy back.

     Hades was on his way to one of these meetings. He had a grim expression on his face. Thantos just gave him some grave news. 1. 2 souls had just gone missing. They were both Hunters of Artemis, Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo. He had to tell this to Artemis and he was scared. Not many things scared him, but his niece was one. His nephew, Percy, was another. The other piece of news, well it wasn't really news, more of a rumor, was that a new entity had been running around the pit killing monsters left and right. It had been going by the name Venom. Hades was hoping that Percy was Venom but he couldn't be sure.  He'd hate for his favorite nephew to be killed by Venom.

     The meeting was the same as always. No one knew how to get Percy out. Hades decided to wait till an actual council meeting to tell everyone about the new developments. Luckily, there was one about an hour from now.

Time skip

     "Does anyone else have anything to report?" Zeus asked.

     Hades cleared his throat. "Um, it appears that 2 souls have gone missing in my realm. Artemis' last lieutenant Zoe and my daughter Bianca."

     Artemis' eyes narrowed. "What do you mean Hades?" She asked coldly.

     "I mean they disappeared. I can't find them anywhere. That's not all. Thantos has told me of a new entity in Tartarus killing hordes of monsters. Apparently it goes by Venom." Hades replied.

     Zeus' eyebrows raised. "Is he a threat?"

     "I don't know Zeus. I was just told like 2 hours ago."

     "Well, it's in Tartarus. Nothing can get out of there. We are safe. I created the prisons myself." Athena said arrogantly.

     The Gods that voted for Percy's innocence rolled their eyes. Athena's hubris has gotten worse.

     "Well, with that, Council Dismissed." Zeus thundered and disappeared in a flash of Lightning.


     In Tartarus time passes half as fast. So 1 year for Earth is 2 for Percy. In the 6 years that Percy has been here, he has made a name for him and Venom.

     Currently he was in a fight with Oceanus,  the Titan of the Sea. It was not going well for Oceanus. Venom was currently in control and he was hungry. 

     Now, why would Percy be fighting Titans if he was in Tartarus, they would just reform in a couple years? Well since Venom was made to kill Celestials, Titan's weren't their level. After eating the 1st one had given Percy immortality. It also gave Venom enough energy to last for 2x longer than if he had eaten a human or monster. Since Venom had killed them, they faded, again, because they were on another level, and left behind weapons. Pallas left a Katana, Perses a Rapier, and Hyperion left a Falcata. 

     Back to the fight. Venom formed a symbiote equivalent of Riptide coming out of him. (A.N. Think of Riot's blades in the movie.) He them proceeded to stab Oceanus through the chest. He them promptly bit his head off adding another weapon to their arsenal. This one was a Trident.

     "Yea, Venom?"
     "I'm sensing life forms up ahead. They don't feel like Gods, or anything like that though. They feel like you without the Immortality."

     "Let's check it out."

     They started walking to the life forms while Venom retreated back into Percy. Percy hadn't changed much in his time during the Pit. Physically wise. He's a little different in everything else. His eyes and hair stayed the same. His teeth were a little sharper but not that noticeable. The real change was he was more muscular. But still built like a swimmer. Lean and everything. When he uses his power is when there are more drastic changes. His eyes change color based on the power he is using.

     They reached a cliff that they needed to climb. Venom took over and raced to the top like a beast. There they could see the 2 life forms but not who they were exactly.

     Venom retreated as his job was done and felt like this was more Percy's forte. He was good at calming people.

     Percy took a couple steps forward. Then froze with shock. In front of him were 2 people he thought he would never see again.

     In front of him was One Zoe Nightshade and Bianca Di Angelo, looking very alive and looking very unconscious.

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