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Percy PoV

     False accusations are a problem in the mortal word. Apparently they are in the Mythological world as well. I do all this work of risking my life to help save them, and I get accused of raping a minor goddess. There a couple of problems with that.

1. I'm waiting for marriage till I stick it in my WIFE.

2. I am LARGELY against rape.


     So now I am standing trial in front of the Olympians with demigods witnessing the trial. Of course, we have Zeus, Hera, Ares, Demeter, Hephaestus, and Dionysus,  voting for my banishment, while Father, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Artemis fighting against it. Athena hasn't talked yet which is surprising, because she knew where I was as she gave me the quest to defeat Ladon so I could marry Annabeth.

     "My boy is innocent, he actively fights against rape!" My Dad yelled.

     "He is a virgin. The goddess wasn't even raped! My maiden domain has powers too!" Artemis said. I was surprised at her defending me.

     "I wasn't even on this side of the country. I was fighting Ladon. You can ask Athena! She sent me on it." I said calmly even though I was starting to lose my cool.

     Athena had a sadistic smirk on for a second before she changed to a stoic expression. Seconds too late, I realized her plan. "I never sent this Sea-Spawn on a quest."

     The demigods looked shocked. I just sat there, unsurprised as I had guessed her plan. But luckily Apollo came to my defense.

     "Are you really lying in a trial with the God of Truth present Athena?!"

     Annabeth came up to me, ignoring what Apollo just said, because, her mother is the goddess of Wisdom, so she's always right in her eyes. But she's the Goddess of Wisdom, not intelligence. There is a difference. Intelligence is knowing what would happen if you shot off a firework. Wisdom is knowing not to light one while its on your friends ass.

     "We're done, Perseus. Honestly, Raping someone. This is a new low."

     It didn't even hurt. I knew she had been cheating on me with Ray Speed. A son of Hermes who looks a lot like Luke.  Of course. I guess she either could pretend I was Luke or went for 2nd best.

     "All for banishment to Tartarus?" Zeus asked. Himself, Hera, Ares, Dionysus, Demeter Hephastus, and Athena raised their hands. And that was it. 7 out of the 12 raised voted for banishment.

     I suddenly felt a chasm open behind me. I instantly knew what was going to happen and decided I would go out on my own terms.

     I started slow clapping. "A great plan Athena. Send me on a quest to "marry" your daughter. While I'm fighting an undefeated until now dragon, you and Hecate used mist to look like I raped a minor Goddess. Therfore either getting me instantly banished or a trial. This would lead to me eventually getting me banished as half the council already didn't like me so you just needed one more vote which would be you thus getting me banished either way and by proxy, me no longer dating your daughter. You are so petty." Turning my attention to the Gods who voted for my innocence. "Thank you for voting for my innocence. Now if you'll excuse me. I have an eternity of living in your version of hell."

     I promptly turned to Zeus, flipped him my middle finger and backflipped into my new home.

3rd PoV
     The gods who voted for Percy's innocence glared at Athena. None more than Poseidon. "Is what he said true Athena?" He asked in a tone that said, lie and I'll force you to fade.

     Athena looked scared but then smirked. "No. Of course not. I don't have a plan. And if I did, a sea spawn couldn't figure it out." She stated smugly.

     "Cough, bull, cough." Apollo said. Artemis smiled. One of the only times she agreed with her twin.

     "I call this meeting to a close. May we rest easy that the perpetrator was caught and won't be raping anyone else." The Gods that voted for Percy's banishment flashed out, leaving the ones left wondering how long it would be till he gets out and what would happen when he does.

Authors note: Vote who you would like Percy to get with.


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