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     Venom ran along the rooftops of the city. It had been 2 weeks since the council meeting in which it had been revealed that a serial killer had been killing one person a day. He had been under intense observation for those two weeks just to make sure that it wasn't him. Both Percy and Venom found it pointless, as well as most of the council, but Zeus had insisted.

     So now, they were finally allowed free. But there was more to this journey than just getting some fresh air. They wanted to see if they could stop the next murder, or even the killer itself. All the murders happened in the same apartment building. So they decided to start there.

     They stood on top of the roof of the apartment complex. Venom retracted leaving Percy standing there like a fucking idiot. He hurriedly crouched down, looking like a gargoyle, without the wings.

     He must've waited for a couple hours before there was any suspicious activity. They saw a man, Mike Pon to be exact. They decided to wait a couple minutes before following. They hung out in the lobby for around 6 minutes before the duo heard a scream.

     The saddest part? Everyone else just looked like it was normal. Well, it was, but still, it was sad. They had just accepted it. They had lost all hope. They had accepted that they were all going to die. And that pissed off Percy.

     He sprang up and ran outside to follow the sound of the scream. He thought it would be faster to climb up with Venom than use the slow ass elevator or stairs. The screaming was coming from the 3rd floor, so in an instant, Venom crashed through the window, as if he was in an 'FBI! Open Up!' video.

     What they saw infuriated Percy even more. Blood was seen all over the ceiling and walls. Internal organs weren't so internal anymore. He could see a heart on the lamp in the corner, the lungs ripped into 2, one on the carpet, the other...

     Being dangled by a monster in front of his mouth before he dropped it into it. Then the blood-red savage started tearing into the woman's midsection. That was when Percy looked at the woman's face. The woman... it was Sally Jackson, his mother.

     The monster finally noticed Percy standing there, before the presumably symbiote retracted, leaving behind Mike Pon. That wasn't the end of it however, Mike smirked, before someone spoke from behind him. "Well, Well, Well, look who finally decided to show up."

     Percy turned around to see Athena, the so called Goddess of Wisdom, with a smug look on her face. Though one look at Percy's rage-filled face, and anyone looking at the scene could see that what the goddess and demi-nymph had done something not that wise.

I know that this was short, but there is not much left of this story. There are only like 2 more chapters, TOPS. But I had to end it there. The final confrontation is next chapter, with maybe an epilogue after. 

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