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Percy PoV

     I was startled. 2 of my dead friends were alive and unconscious right in front of me. I knew I had to protect them as they couldn't right now and it looked like they didn't have weapons. That wasn't a problem though as I had made hunting knives out of the Drakon teeth.

     "Hey, Venom?"


     "Can you take over and bring these girls home?"

     Venom took over and I was stuck watching. I knew that it would be a while until we got home so I decided to take a nap.

     When I woke up, I was lying in my bed in my tent that is outside the hut. Because you know, the hut is massive. It was made for a Gigante. I didn't see the girls anywhere around me.

     "Venom, what did you do with Zoë and Bianca?"

     "I put them in the giant bed. If your memory is correct, they would probably kill you if you were in the same bed as them."

     "Good point."

Zoe PoV

     I woke up alert. The last thing I remember was falling into Tartarus after Zues threw me in. Saying that Artemis made a mistake. Then I got knocked out by the fall.

     I was lying in a very comfortable and giant bed. Next to me laid a girl I never expected to see again. Bianca Di Angelo. I climbed out from under the covers and made my way down the bed.

     I walked outside and saw a boy roasting something over a fire. I reached for my bow but realized I didn't have it. I called out.

     "Hello, who are you and what is thou doing?" I asked.

     The guy turned around. He looked familiar. Sea green eyes, black hair, tan skin... Then it struck me. It was Perseus Jackson!

     "Hey, Zoë. How are you doing?" He asked.

     "Uh... fine, what happened?"

     "I found you and Bianca knocked out and we brought you both home."

     That made sense. Wait did he say 'we'? I asked him about it. "Later." Was all he said.

     "I'm gonna go hunting. Here's some cooked drakon meat. I have some more saved for Bianca. Oh, and I noticed you have no weapons so here are some hunting knives made of drakon teeth."

     He handed me the knives and then promptly left.

Percy PoV

      I walked across the plains looking for anything to hunt. I paused and looked around. About 400 feet in front of me sat a women with a face covering. Looks like Aunty Em reformed.

      She saw me and ran up to me. She slashed her talons at me and then ripped off her shawl. Being immortal, her stoney gaze had no effect on me. It stunned her and in her confused state, I decapitated her once again.

      I took her shawl and wrapped it around her head and walked back home with it. I remembered seeing a box in Damasen's hut and decided to repeat history.

     Zoë was back in bed but still awake and Bianca was still asleep. I got the box from under the bed and put the head in. I wrote on the sides:

The Gods
Mt. Olympus
Empire State Building, 600th floor
I'm still here!
Don't think I forgot what you did.
Athena better watch her back when I get back!
-Percy Jackson

     The box shimmered out of existence and went it's way to Olympus. Zoe had watched the entire thing.

     "What did you do?"

     "Sent them another surprise."

     "Another?" Zoë asked. 

     "On my 1st quest, I killed Medusa and sent her head to Olympus because I was pissed off." He responded.

Mt. Olympus
3rd PoV

     It was peaceful on Mt. Olympus which was rare. Hermes was relaxing as it was one of the few points in time where he got a break. When suddenly a package arrived right in front of him. He read who it was from and for and his jaw went wide.

     He flashed to the throne room and shot a beam of light out of his caduceus to summon a council meeting. He then sat in his throne.

     The other gods flashed in. All looking mad. "What Hermes?" Athena asked.

     "I got a package that was addressed to us."

     "Okay, we got mail, congrats?!" Athena said sarcastically.

     "You didn't let me finish. It's from Tartarus. Percy sent it."

     That shut her up. Her face then lit up in anger. He should've been dead by now.

     "Pass it here." Poseidon said. He read the label to himself and started laughing.

     "Are you gonna tell us what's funny brother?" Zeus asked exasperated.

     He then promptly read out:

The Gods
Mt. Olympus
Empire State Building, 600th floor
I'm still here!
Don't think I forgot what you did.
Athena better watch her back when I get back!
-Percy Jackson

     Athena's face lit up in anger while the gods who voted for Percy's innocence laughed out loud. When they got themselves under control, Zeus demanded that Poseidon opened it.

     He did and pulled out Medusa's severed head. As soon as he did, the same gods laughed again.

     Athena's faced went red with anger even more. "I'm gonna kill him and end this once and for all!" She vowed.

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