The Hunt

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     Everyone was either shocked, speechless, or just didn't care. The ones who didn't care were Percy, Bianca, and Zoë. Mainly because Percy had a good relationship with the hunters. They had helped him protect Goddesses from being raped. They didn't believe that he had raped the goddess, because, you are able to notice changes in people however subtle they may be, and 2 they trust their goddess, who said that he was still pure. Unknown to Percy however, to keep the memory of one of the only males the hunt respected, they still protected goddesses while they were on Olympus.

     Bianca and Zoë didn't care because they had lived with him in Tartarus. He had been respectful of their space, oaths, and privacy. Over time he became a brother to him. He had told them stories of when he and the Hunt had protected the Goddesses and earned the Hunt's respect. The only problem that could possibly arise was the newer hunters, but that wasn't even a big problem.

     Artemis didn't have a problem with Percy, she only worried about what the Hunt's reaction to Percy staying with them would be. She didn't know about their closeness that was formed from a couple of years of working together. In the wars and and protecting Goddesses.

     When everyone finally came around and out of their thoughts, Apollo spoke up first. "DAMN, bro. All those hot ladies! Good luck."

     "What the actual FUCK is wrong with you?" Percy asked with Venom agreeing. Zoë and Bianca with disgusted looks on their faces. 'But seriously, is he THAT stupid?' Venom asked. 'Pretty much. He gets shot by the Hunters every time he shows up.' Percy responded

     "Alright, since there are no complaints, Percy, Bianca, and Zoë should probably get ready." The Fates said. The mentioned people instantly went to their respective hut, and grabbed a rope that surrounded it and pulled. The hut compacted and then they put the bundle of sticks and Drakon hide on their back like a backpack.

     'Wow, that's really smart. One of my hunters must have thought of that.' Artemis thought.

     She was wrong. It was Percy. He had prepared the huts to be very transportable in case they had to move. They didn't need to because of Venom, but it was best to prepare for every possibility.

     Artemis walked up to them and put a hand on Percy's and Zoë's shoulders while Zoë held onto Bianca. After making sure everyone was ready, Artemis flashed them to the Hunt.

     The Hunters had been chilling around the campfire when they heard the sound of their Patron flashing to them. When they got there, their mouths opened in shock. At least, the older ones. The ones that had come while Percy was in Tartarus were confused. Why would their Lady be near a boy, and bring him to the Hunt?

     The older ones finally closed their mouths. As soon as that happened, one of them stepped forward, Phoebe. "So the little Destroyer survived Tartarus." She said in an amused tone.

     "What can I say, I keep doing the impossible." Percy replied while smirking. Then his smile instantly changed while a black substance emerged from his arm and grabbed a silver arrow that was about to hit his heart. Venom retracted and then Percy tossed the arrow to Zoë. The older Hunters turned to one of the newer hunters who had her bow out.

     "What are you doing?" Atlanta asked.

     "He's a boy standing next to m'lady." The Hunter said.

     "He was flashed here by Artemis!" Phoebe said. Then she turned to Percy. "What was that?"

     Venom came out and said, "Not what, who. And that who is me."

     "Who are you?" Thalia asked.

     "We Are Venom." Venom said while peeling back half of his face, revealing Percy's face on the other half.

     Venom retracted and left normal Percy standing in his place. He noticed everyone was just staring at him and blushed while stepping back. Artemis, sensing his discomfort, took over. "Anyways, I would like to re-introduce our formerly dead sisters, Zoë Nightshade, and Bianca Di Angelo. They will be staying with us, along with Perseus." She braced for the angry shouts that were sure to come. But they didn't.

     "Yo, Kelpie is staying with us!" Thalia said. She was excited for a different reason than the others.

     The other hunters that were there before Percy got sent to Tartarus were cool with it as they had good times, and knew they could trust him. The newer ones were skeptical, but had heard of Percy Jackson, so were willing to give him a chance.

     Artemis was surprised. She was so sure that they would reject, but they seemed to be good with it. At the very least, they were skeptical, but those were the new ones who had only heard stories of the legend that stood before them, not that Percy would ever admit it.

     Her lieutenant seemed to be more than onboard with the idea. She would have to talk to her about that later.

A/N The main plot is just about to start. This is just setting it up. As you can probably guess, the pairing is Perlia. It was a 4-way tie, so I put the suggestions into a hat and grabbed one at random, and this is what I got. I hope you will continue reading, even if your pairing wasn't picked, but I understand if you stop. Next thing I'm gonna work on is Perseus the Disgraced Archangel.

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