Fifty Four: The Sole Monarch

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Molly made a feast for dinner that made Sirius' (who was used to now eating junk food) mouth water. Even though he and Ella ate about a big cat's weight in fried chicken wings just an hour earlier, he piled a plate full of food, and got seconds of everything.

Much like Ella, who between bites told Molly her food is the best food that ever touched her mouth, and literally kissed her cheeks at the end of the meal and told her she is officially the reigning monarch of the Black household.

Sirius looked at her in silence for a moment before he raised his fork and called out, "all hail the sole monarch of the Black household, Molly!"

"Molly, Molly, Molly," Ella started chanting along with Sirius, and with a short glance at each other, the Weasley siblings all started doing the same.

"Mum, mum, mum!" Ginny was whistling loudly, and Remus sat there, exasperated, wondering how is Sirius mother sleeping through this ruckus.

"A toast," called Arthur suddenly, "to my wife, the sole monarch!"

Molly looked at the group. She wanted to dismiss them, but her blush and smile were all the sign Arthur needed to know that she was actually liking the affection. So she stood up, raising her hand and waving at the group. 

"Thank you, thank you. My dear subjects, please enjoy your time under my reign." 

Remus sighed. He was wrong.

He thought it would take them a whole week to drag the whole Weasley family into their game, but it only took a few hours- the power of Padfoot and Prongs was getting stronger.

"The apocalypse is coming," he murmured to himself, and not even a moment later Dumbledore marched in, Moody, Tonks and Bill following him inside.

"I see Ella's taken control of this house already," Bill commented, making Ella stand up. 

"All hail the first-born of our humble and loving monarch!" The applaude that followed those words confused the three, but she suddenly heard a familiar sigh, and she gasped loudly as another man appeared at the doorstep.

"SEVERUS!" she shrieked, running to hug him tight.

Ginny choked when she saw he wasn't even trying to pry her off.

"Ella... she's changed the world," Ginny told Ron, who nodded.

"Welcome to Ella's world."


His dark hair, messy and long, was sprawled across the pillow as he idly shuffled the deck of cards. Fingers were slowly untangling his hair, and he found himself smiling up at the ceiling.

"No way," he stated.

"Yes way," Ella replied, stopping in the task of brushing Sirius' hair with her fingers. He was laying on his bed, and she was sitting by his head, back against the wall.

"You know there is a belief that says it weakens your magic? That's why they give them to prisoners," Sirius pointed out. "You're not really gonna get a tattoo with me."

"Of course I will."


"What?" She grinned, but her mind was telling her only how smart her father really was. If what Sirius was saying was true, and there was a belief that when people who practice witchcraft get a tattoo it interferes with their natural flow of energy, and he made all Death Eaters get the dark mark, that means that he will always utilize his powers better than his followers.

That was his followers would always need him.

"I just wanna cover up my prisoner tattoo, I never wanted you to join me," Sirius grabbed her hand, pulling her to stroke his hair again.

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