Twenty Five: Stay Forever

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" the trio sung horribly as Sabrina faked her entry to the house via Floo. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" they continuted, and Ella stepped closer with three floors of layers of chocolate cake, covered with melted chocolate (milk chocolate as well as white chocolate) covered with brown colored buttercream, with various designs that looked a floral.

"My birthday's in two days!" Sabrina laughed, hugging her husband. "What are you doing?"

"Surprising you!" Cedric grinned as she moved on to hug him. "Ella's idea. She baked you a cake, and let me tell you, I fell in love over a brownie of hers."

"Good to know you like my personality," she mumbled, before grinning at Sabrina. "I'm so glad to finally meet you! Cedric always speaks so highly about you two, and I only today found out he was underestimating Amos!"

"Oh, Ella, flattery will get you everywhere!" She looked at the girl, "put down the cake, I want to hug you!"

Ella laughed and placed it on the coffee table at the living room, and allowed Sabrina to wrap her arms around her. Ella inhaled the scent of Sabrina, her perfume sweet, and Sabrina pulled back after a moment.

"Well, Cedric's said he's dating a pretty girl, but you are a gorgeous little thing, aren't you!" Sabrina said. "And a baker, I'm finally gonna get back to the weight I was in during the pregnancy!" she laughed.

"Let's cut the cake!" Amos called out in glee, and used 'accio' to get a knife.

"That could be dangerous, Amos!" Sabrina lectured.

"What's life with no danger?" he laughed happily, and Ella grinned at the awe the Diggory family were in from the level of the cake. They seemed so happy and comfortable with each other.

She supposed that growing up in the perfect family gives a perfect son.


If Ella thought Amos accepted her easily, Sabrina practically adopted her. Just as Amos said, she was against them sleeping in the same room, but aside from that, she accepted Ella as a second daughter of a sort, if that daughter was dating her son.

She made sure she ate properly, and she visited her room once a day to make sure it was clean.

So Ella didn't feel all that great with sleeping in Cedric's room, but she also didn't want to be apart from him. His king size bed was also almost as comfortable as her own back home.

So the first night, she spent a few hours with him, and they spoke until she started yawning too often to finish a sentence, and she went to her own room. The second night, she fell asleep there, and woke up about an hour later, kissed a sleeping Cedric's cheek and staggered to her room.

But then came their third night, and they were just after celebrating Sabrina's birthday, and Ella's stomach felt heavy with the barbecue that Amos expertly was responsible for.

They walked to his room together, and collapsed on the bed together, and within moments Ella fell asleep on Cedric's shoulder, who wasn't far behind-- he fell sleep even before he could hear a first snore out of her mouth.

And when they woke up the next morning, she never wanted to sleep away from him again.

"Morning, El," he greeted groggily. She turned to face him, and frowned.

"How d'you know I was awake?"

"You farted."

"Ced!" she whined.

"What? I'm fine with it," he grinned, and she rolled her eyes. "I'm happy we're at that level in our relationship, now I don't have to hold my farts in anymore."

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