Three: The Jorgitha Strikes Again

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"Good morning professor!" Ella's cheerful voice called. "How was your summer?" she beamed at the small professor.

"Quite lovely, Ella," Professor Flitwick smiled at the girl. "Yours?"

"Amazing! Italy is beautiful," she smiled back. "Also, they have great pizzas."

The professor chuckled, "only you can go to Italy and focus on the food rather than anything else."

"Well, when something's good you ought to act like it is, or you'll be disrespectful," she explained. Flitwick nodded, there was a point in what she said.

"Well then, take your seat. Let's hope this year will be better and that you'll do well in your exams."

"Professor, may I ask how you left me a year last year?" she hesitated slightly as she asked it, "I mean, due to the whole Chamber of Secret thing there were no exams."

"I don't know, that's between Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape."

"Thanks anyway Mr. Professor," she sighed, now bothered. Did Snape want her to stay a year because he really couldn't do without her lovely smile, or was she just unbelievably thick and he couldn't let her pass?

She was the first student in a long time to get left a year at the first year, and moreover, the first in history to be left a year twice.

Maybe she should aim to a record no one could possibly break instead of graduating.

"Welcome back!" Flitwick's voice called, "Charms, at third year, is slightly different than before. We're starting to practice much more complex spells..." Flitwick's voice drowned on and on, only the Ravenclaws in class listening, all Slytherins finding something better to do.

Ella took a, as she described later to a random Gryffindor second year, fabulous nap that would make all kitties on Earth jealous.

She then had a DADA class with the Gryffindors, so she skipped there happily- still barefoot- singing a happy song about sleep that she's invented in her euphoric state.

"A lovely morning, isn't is, Mr. Professor Remus?" she beamed at the teacher that was at his desk. He smiled at her.

"I suppose you had quite a lovely morning," he agreed. "Do I wanna know?"

"A perfect nap is all a person needs in life," she paused, "Well, that and candies."

"Sit down please," he instructed, and she sat at the first line next to the so- called- Remus- of- our- days, Hermione Granger.

"Hi Granger!" she cheered, "you look great, had a good summer?"

"Yeah, I've been to France."

"OHHHH I've been to Italy!" Ella beamed, "this world is such a lovely place, isn't it?" she looked dreamily into space, she loved a good nap.

"Alright, books out please," Professor Lupin's voice broke the silence, "we'll talk about Boggarts today."

A moan of disappointment broke through the air, when a strange sound was heard through the hall.

"Is that..." Lupin started.

"Jorgitha!" Ella jumped up, "don't worry, babe! Mama's coming!" then she sprinted out, spotting the white alpaca. "Jorgitha," she called gently, "come on, let's get you to Papa Lupin. He'll take care of you, hun."

The alpaca simply made the strange noise again, giving Ella a look of terror.

Could the alpaca possibly understand that by 'take care' she meant 'make you disappear'?

Ella's heart clenched. Jorgitha didn't deserve it, "Jorgitha, I'm sorry," she apologized, tears stinging in her eyes. "Let's take you to Hagrid instead, okay?" she smiled softly, "Hold on just a moment."

Ella hurried into the room, "Change of plan, Professor sir," she told the DADA teacher. "I'm taking Jorigtha to Hagrid's; she deserves better."

"Ella, it's your alpaca," Lupin smiled, "you do whatever you'd like with it."

"A'right!" she cheered, grabbing her bag and taking off, meeting Jorgitha at the hall. Jorgitha was laying on her back and making strange noises, waiting for Ella.

That had to be one of the strangest moments in Hogwarts's history, Ella figured. Of course, you could never know with Hogwarts.

In a second thought, it probably was incorrect.

"It's gonna be okay, Hagrid," Ella tried assuring the half- giant. Buckbeak, the Hippogriff, was bonding with the mentally ill alpaca in the other side of the room, only making Hagrid cry harder.

"Such a good boy," he cried, sniffing loudly. "'ow can they kill 'im?"

"You can't be sure that they'll kill him," Ella promised. "Malfoy's not the king of everything, if anything, I should be the queen of everything."

"I jus' know, Ella, they'll kill Buckbeak."

Ella glanced at the hippogriff that was poking the alpaca. How could anyone want to kill a creature like that? Hippogriff might just be one the most majestic and beautiful creatures in the world, and she was sorry that she excelled at Care of Magical Creatures the year before, getting free periods instead of that class that year.

She would love to have that particular class.

"And I'll lose my job," Hagrid continued. Ella kept her arm on Hagrid's, hoping it was slightly comforting.

He continued to cry for quite a while, and eventually she stood up. She wasn't good at making much things, but she had a sweet tooth, so she had to teach herself to bake cookies, cakes and cupcakes.

Checking for ingredients in Hagrid's hut, she started making chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, and tea. She served the tea to Hagrid hurriedly, warning him it was hot, before continuing with the cupcake.

"Tha-thank you," he stuttered, blowing his nose.

"Anytime," she smiled, "and you know what they say; Tea fixes everything," she smiled brightly, and he cracked a small smile. Ella must be the sweetest Slytherin to step into this school.

Ella might've rushed the making of the cupcakes a bit using magic. Hagrid flinched back for a moment, he's heard about Ella's reputation with magic, but was surprised to find out the spell casted went as plan.

"There, ready!" she smiled, levitating the cupcakes out of the oven. She quickly made cream, and added flavoured colors to a bit, making a few of them colorful and different tasting, but most simple and classic tasting. "Is it good?" she questioned Hagrid as he tried the first one, a light purple colored chocolate one. The half- giant nodded, making Ella beam at him. "Want me to make something else? You've got all the ingredients needed for some crazily delicious brownies!"

Hagrid simply nodded, taking another cupcake and starting to eat it.

Who knew Ella Gray had such a talent when it comes to bakery?

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