Twenty Eight: Please Mind the Gap.

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Sabrina's face turned pink when Cedric and Ella sat down for breakfast.

Amos was going on about how work was so busy, while looking for his shoes everywhere, but the trio were unreasnobaly quiet, so while he was tying his laces, he looked between them all and finally realised something must have happened.

"Did I miss something?"

"Nothing," Cedric mumbled awkwardly, a piece of his bell-pepper falling back to the plate.

"I feel like I did," Amos noted. "We should head out, now, kids. You ready?"

The two teenagers nodded, and hugged Sabrina rather hurriedly, barely speaking words. They threw in the floo powder to the fireplace, and all called in their turn to the Ministry. Amos was first, and then Cedric (carrying both his and Ella's bags, "ever the gentleman, son,") and lastly a very flushed Ella.

"So what is it that happened?" Amos wondered at the trio walked to the lift. Cedric and Ella had plans for a nice early brunch before going to Kings Cross, but it was still quite early, and they agreed in advance to help Amos clean up his office a bit. "Ah, Charles!"

"Amos!" a man shook his hand, looking quite distressed. "Barely had time to wake up, and look at me running already."

"Something the matter?"

"Mad-Eye Moody," Charles sighed, glancing at the two kids. "Your son, I assume, and...?"

"His girlfriend, Ella," Amos introduced. "But Mad-Eye? What is it?"

"Oh, he's been stressing out his neighbors. I'm waiting for Hawkins to get here and then leaving to see what's the situation there. Here, read the initial report; tell me the man hasn't lost it."

Amos read it quickly, and nodded. "Well, he sees You-Know-Who in every stray cat, I reckon," Charles laughed, and a man in grey robes exited the lift, "Hawkins," Amos greeted.

"Amos," he nodded. "Let's go, Charles. Must get there before others do."

"Let's go kids," Amos nodded his head towards the lift, and the three stepped in. Ella glanced at Amos, who was very far from minding them. He sighed when the doors opened at their level, and practically ran out, and to his office.

"Hold on. I have to talk to Arthur Weasley." Amos grabbed some floo powder and threw it into the fire, calling 'the burrow', and the two were almost eerily silent.

Ella noted his office was practically covered in dust.

"Amos?" a high voice wondered.

"Ah, Molly. I'm so sorry to interrupt, but I've got an urgent message for Arthur. Could you fetch him for me, or has he by any chance already left for his office?"

"No, no, he's here," Ella could barely hear her, but she tried to occupy herself with not looking at Cedric.

After a few moments, Amos started explaining the situation very hurriedly. "You know Mad-Eye, constant vigilance, and he's sworn he's heard someone. Muggle neighbors heard bangs and shouting, so they wentand called those what-d'you-call-'ems - please-men. Arthur,you've got to get over there-- it's a real stroke of luck I heard about it," he continued. "I had to come into the office early to send a couple of owls,and I found the Improper Use of Magic lot all setting off - if RitaSkeeter gets hold of this one, Arthur -"

"What does Mad-Eye say happened?" asked Mr. Weasley, his voice distant yet intrigued.

"Says he heard an intruder inhis yard. Says he was creeping toward the house, but was ambushedby his dustbins."

"What did the dustbins do?"

"Made one hell of a noise and fired rubbish everywhere, as far asI can tell," said Amos.

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