Fifty One: Undone

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Oftentimes, Slytherins thought of Muggles as the less fortunate. The ones cursed to live in a magic less world, where everything is dull.

But suddenly, even the greatest of magic lost its charm. Ella stared at the ring on her finger.

Amos and Sabrina parted ways with her soon after Professor Sprout told them anything she could, and wanted to hear none of the apologies Dumbledore had to tell them, though they invited Ella over whenever and promised she would forever be a part of their family, and always a daughter to them.

Ella couldn't quite believe it, she mused as she raised her eyes to look at the country-side view passing her by hurriedly, but she wished for nothing but to get to her house, where magic was seldomly used and she could disconnect herself from the girl that studied at Hogwarts and watched...

She turned her eyes to Fred, unable to form the thought.

Cho was sitting along-side Harry, grinning lightly at Hermione, and Ella felt a sort of an uncomfortable twist in her stomach. Cho liked Cedric as well, how different would it feel now if Ella had never started studying with Cedric?

And Cho had dated him?

She sighed, and Fred shifted a bit so he'd pull her into him, rubbing her arm soothingly. George had his legs perched up on her lap, and he raised his eyes to peer up at her.

"You want a chocolate frog?" He asked quietly, and she shook her head with a small smile. "Lee will eat them all," he warned, and Lee raised his glance, a chocolate frog shoved into his mouth. The twins grinned.

"Our point exactly," Fred pointed out.

Ron was napping by Hermione, and Ella leaned into Fred.

Malfoy circled the comparment quite a few times, and scowled repeatedly, but never dared to step a foot in, and eventually George stepped out to corner him, joined by Lee and Harry.

Turns out, he was trying to make fun of Harry, but didn't want to disturb Ella, so he gave up eventually (though he did insult them all for being blood traitors and prats).

"So you're staying at the Dursleys?" Cho wondered, looking at Harry shyly. He nodded.

"For a while, I suppose."

"Mum said something about visiting Sirius, right?" Ron wondered. Fred nodded, the motion moving Ella a bit.

"I'll be there too, might meet up," Ella spoke up. Silence fell on the comparment for a moment. Her voice was hoarse, and they all knew it was the first time she spoke up to them after Cedric's death.

"Uh, yeah," Ron was the first to regain his speech. "Maybe you could bake something, too."

"Ronald!" Hermione huffed. "Would you for once stop thinking of food?"

"No, woman."

"You're impossible!" She announced, and Cho laughed, leaning to whisper something in Harry's ear.

The view quickly changed, and soon Kings Cross was in view. Ella was the first to stand up and start getting her things ready, and was followed by Fred to leave the comparment when the train pulled to a stop.

She was about to start struggling with her things (Fred was held up by Harry), when a hand grabbed her bags and helped her.

"Listen, Ella-" Draco Malfoy started, looking nothing short of shameful.

"Would you please thank your father for me?" She asked, trying to pull a smile on her face. He looked at her like she grew a fourth head, but nodded.

Ella ○ Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now