Technoblade: The Secret in the Snow

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Requested by: EliinaBest :)


Things were quiet in this lonesome snowy desert. It was just Techno and I out here, Phil being the only one at the time who knew our location.

But even now, it was only me in this cosy little cottage in the snow. Techno was out doing his own thing, not like he told me where he was going either..

We had been in a relationship for a while, given as to why I'm living with him during his retirement. Not all the time does he tell me where he's going or what he's doing, and I didn't really mind. He could handle himself if he got into trouble. Plus, there isn't much he can keep hidden when we live together.

Deciding to put my spare time to good use, I left the house to go explore a little further beyond the house.

Locking the door behind me as I left, I walked out into the snow. My footprints trailing along behind me.

I wandered around for a bit, gathering some materials here and there.

Moving further and further away, my inventory started to fill up with mostly spruce logs, food, and some ores while mining a little.

I should head home and dump my things..

Turning around, I started walking back the way I came. Not gonna lie I had to resort to my coordinates a couple times.

Techno usually gets back around sunset whenever he goes out to do his own things. Im pretty sure he had plans with Phil today to do something, they hang out a lot of the time.

Its nice to know not everyone wants Techno dead.

Just... Just most..

I mean, as much as they want him dead id honestly like to see them try. Because I've seen Techno defeat everything in his way no matter what or who it is.

So, if they want to try and take him on they better invite me next time because ooooh boy im gonna wanna watch that...

I have never seen Techno lose any of his three lives and to be honest? I don't think he will for a while..

I've already lost one of mine, I know that for a fact. That's one of the good things about living out here, you get to be away from most of the danger and nobody knows where you are. Were pretty much safe!

Well, I mean were bound to be found eventually, so were not entirely out of danger. But we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.

And even if anyone comes soon im sure with Techno's training I can hold them off for a good while!!

Now seeing the back of the house in the distance I started to speed up.

Everything around me was normal, until I saw something out the corner of my eye.

Maybe it was just my imagination, but this one mountain side looked very.. suspicious...

Upon further inspection, I saw a button. What on earth was this?? Did Techno know about this???

I stood in front of it for a while, debating whether or not I should click it. At this point I was fully expecting something bad to be on the other side.

Pressing the button, a piston door began to fall down.

For some reason a part of me expected it to not open to anything.

Once the door fell, I quickly realised what was inside. Wall to wall, the room was covered with wither skulls.

This had to be Techno, there was no way it wasn't. Even then I didn't think he would do something like this so soon! Let alone get that many! Although I wouldn't put it past him..

Images of what could potentially happen with all these flashed through my mind.

He's gonna end the fucking world with all this..

My whole body shivered. Im just gonna hope I chose the right side of this fight to stay alive.

Taking a few steps inside, I took a closer look at the skulls.

Yep, they were genuine wither skulls.. this must've taken an insane amount of time..!!

Just as I was about to leave and head back home, I heard the sound of snow crunching.

Oh shit.

"Its fine, I don't need to take the button." I heard Techno mumble, talking to himself.

My body froze as my mind drew nothing but blanks when it came for something to do.

I panicked, running behind one of the soul sand, with structures.

"Wait, what??" Techno stated. I could hear his footsteps rushing inside.

"Who's in here." He added, his voice somehow deeper and much more intimidating. He was serious.

I didn't want to show myself. I mean I know that I trust him, and he can do what he wants, but if this was a secret and I found out I don't want to risk him getting mad!

I could hear him charge up his crossbow as he moved closer to me.

"Show yourself."

I dug my face in between my knees, my hands holding the back of my head.

"Look if you don't show yourself im going to lock you in here and stab you to death you okay?"

Okay I had to leave..

I started to turn around and shakily stood up.

As soon as I clutched onto the top of the soul sand, a flash of colour burst in my face with a loud bang.

I fell backwards from the blast, seeing a glimpse of Techno's axe swing above my shaking body.

Once the colour and smoke cleared, I was pinned to the floor. The tip of his axe barely centimetres from my neck. My throat was sore and strained, and my eyes watering.



A bead of sweat ran down my face as I looked up at him.

"H-hi.." I stuttered nervously.

Techno lowered his axe to his side, his body growing weak.


His axe was dropped to the floor, clashing with the stone floor. He fell to his knees.

He stared into my eyes in shock, I quickly sat up to face him.

I cupped his cheek in my hand.

"hey.. hey.. its okay, im fine, see?" I assured, grabbing his other hand, and massaging it lightly with my thumb.

"I.. I almost killed you, Y/N..." He whimpered, clutching onto me tightly.

"I told you, its okay..! really.. It was a completely normal reaction, coming from you..."

"After all its not like you expected me anyways.. I actually came across this place on accident." I explained, giving him a gentle hug which he leant into.

"I promise ill never even get close to hurting you ever again.. okay?" He mumbled, his voice deep and weak.

"Okay.. You wanna go home and lie down? You look tired." I asked.

He nodded, his head digging into my shoulder.

Techno stood up, reaching his arm out to help me up aswell.

"Thanks" I mumbled, giving him a light kiss on his cheek.

I held onto his hand as we made out way back, tucking myself into his red cloak to hide from the snow.

"So, when are you planning to bring those out huh?" I asked, hugging his arm.

"You'll just have to wait and see.." Techno responded with his normal laugh.

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