WilburSoot: Breaking and Entering

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Character: WilburSoot

Notes: Blue Sonder AU (go check it out it's really cool) - https://bluesonder.carrd.co/

(also, side note your ability is camouflage)

Warnings: Swearing

"Damn it.."

"Out of food again.." I complained to myself, sliding down the alley wall.

It wasn't the nicest, but it was home.

Compared to what you might be thinking, it wasn't so bad living in the shadows of this kingdom. I have more things to my name than you could imagine!

Everything I own was stolen from surrounding houses. I have furniture, many changes of clothes, almost everything!

I have a campfire to keep me warm, a bed to sleep on and a "roof" over my head.

The only thing I'm missing is privacy, but I'm sure if anyone came around, they would leave after seeing what I can do.

The little alley I live in was at the corner of the kingdom's walls. On the other side was a clearing, just beside the forbidden forest.

Yeah great title, I know..

That was the name parents gave it to keep their children away.

Honestly in my opinion it sounds more intriguing than it does intimidating, but then again this is coming from a demon that spent most of her life in Hell..

Although I didn't live in Hell anymore, I hadn't escaped the habits of stealing everything I needed. Too much work getting it all myself anyways.

And then there's the fact that I'm a demon. If they saw me out on the streets I doubt the guards would let me live.

I've had a few close calls with the royal guards but managed to make it out with only a few scars to prove.

They think they scared me away from this community, but all I needed to do was stay hidden and lay low for a while.

Things are okay living here, but It could be better..

I could only rarely get food and water. Some days I didn't eat! As a demon, I get hungrier the more I use my magic, but thankfully water wasn't too important.

Watching the light dim through the crack of the kingdom walls, the sun began to set.

As the night started to take over, the townsfolk were sure to go to sleep sometime soon. Hopefully.. and if they were asleep, that meant it was time for another nights robbing..

Food was running low, and there wasn't much other way of getting it other than stealing.

Without food, I can't restore much magic.. which was never a good thing here..

Taking my time, waiting for all the lights to go out in nearby houses. I sneak out.

Obviously, I try to stay as hidden as possible, demons were forbidden from this stupid kingdom.. did you know that they banned magic usage here?? Yeah, its fucking illegal.. what a load of bullshit..

Even if I were caught using my magic, (which would be near impossible) I would be executed for simply being a demon. What a fucked up world we live in ey?

Sliding my way down another alley and behind a house I took a moment to figure out how I was going to do this.

I'd say I felt a little cocky tonight, perhaps I could go for a wealthier house..?

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