Jschlatt: Side Effects

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Character: Jschlatt

Notes: Not proud of this one at all but here you go I guess? Writing Schlatt was harder than I thought..

Warnings: Swears, Implied Sexual Content, Alcohol usage. 

This was it; this was the beginning of a new era. Wilbur and Tommy were banished from Manburg and Jschlatt now had complete power over pretty much all of us.

I would say im terrified since even though I've known him for a while, his movements are completely unpredictable.. It's not like we've had a discussion on what he would do if he were to be president..

I mean we might have.. it sounds like a topic we'd discuss but I wouldn't remember now..

Schlatt probably didn't notice me in the crowd, but we had a sort of past together. We weren't dating or anything, but we used to hang out a lot way back.

After the crowd cleared, going to do their own things, I made my way over to the podium Jschlatt was stood on. I passed Tubbo who was stunned, his mind shattered after being sent out to find Tommy. I may not have been here since the beginning of this civilisation, but I knew that their friendship was something he held close to his heart. And having him as Schlatt's right-hand man must hurt right now.. I gave him a pat on the back as I made my way past.

Now stepping up onto the podium, He and Quackity laughed together about Tommy and Wilbur's banishment.

"YO GAYASS!" I called out, gaining his attention. He turned to me with a smirk.

"Well, well, well.. Didn't think I'd see your fat ass around here.." He replied, hands on his hips while Quackity stumbled over his words from behind him in confusion.

"Surprised? How could I not come to check this place out after all the stories I've heard?"

"Actually, I didn't expect you to come here either, let alone become a president.." I added as Schlatt stumbled over towards me.

Ah, I see his natural musk of cigarettes and alcohol still stuck. Well, at least it seemed natural at this point..

"Look. I..I'm gonna be honest Y/N.."

"I have no fucking clue how I got here.." I snickered at his usual hungover state.

Quackity made his way over.

"Heyyy, Quackity! Nice to see you again!" I gave him a wave.

"Eyyy, you too Y/N!"

"That's enough chatter you two.. Y/N I need to talk to you for a minute." Schlatt called, pushing the two of us in the direction of the newly built white house.

Well, it wasn't exactly white, it was mostly made of stone..

We went on in to chat more privately where Schlatt and I got a chance to catch up. He said we had some time before his next announcement. That day he made me an offer.

He offered me a job working for him. I mean, we have known each other from our pasts, and it would be nice to have something do to..

I would be working as his assistant. I mean I don't really understand why he would need me when he had Quackity, Tubbo, and George, but I guess I'll do it?

A few days went past, and not much had been happening despite becoming the president. You'd expect him to have a lot of work to do but there was nothing.

There had been a few mentions of a future festival, but it was nothing but ideas at the moment.

I did get to hang out with Tubbo a lot, we saw each other daily.

Quackity and George less so.. Quackity didn't really do much and in Schlatt's words is "only here because of his fat ass." and George just wasn't around that much at all, he would just leave and do his own thing I guess..

Every night we would have to hang out with Schlatt while he got wasted, there for conversation. And now I will be honest, I may have had a few drinks with him every now and again but how could I not? Drinking with Schlatt is nothing but entertaining, never a dull moment.

One night, it was Me, Schlatt, Quackity, and Tubbo on the side. We were having yet another night of drinks.

Tubbo refused to drink anything.

"Come on Tubbo! Just take a sip." Schlatt encouraged, handing a bottle over to him.

"N-No thanks Schlatt, I'm not at legal age to drink anyways.." Tubbo declined for the third time, leaning away from the three of us.

"Who cares if you're not legal age? Im the fucking president!!?" Tubbo still refused.

"Ey calm down Mr President, he's still a kid y'know," I stated while taking another sip. Schlatt rolled his eyes and we went back to conversation.

It was even later into the night, just the two of us. Tubbo left a while ago to go to sleep and Quackity had just passed out next to me.

Things were silent between Schlatt and me.

I was sure that by now he would be at that stage of drunk where he just had no idea what was going on. We had gotten to this point before. Usually, when we used to drink with others we'd wait till he got to this amount of drunk and ask him a bunch of awkward questions for fun. Sometimes he would talk shit about us while we were right next to him and he would think he were a completely different person!

"So Schlatt, being president must be stressful eh?" Thought I'd start out simple.

"Nope, just hate the people."

Well, that was simply put.

"So, there's nobody you like?"

"Are you serious? Have you met the people? They're so needy and annoying! Like they call me a bitch when they're nonstop asking for shit from me!" Obviously, that wasn't true. The people of Manberg would rather do things themselves rather than ask him for help..

"Oh, come onn..!! Surely there's someone you can tolerate..?"

He blanked out starring at the table for a good couple of seconds.


He jumped out of his daze.

"huh? Oh, right what was the question again?"

I repeated myself.

"Someone I tolerate? Well, I mean not really.. There is this one chick though. God, she's so fucking hot.."

Another girl? Is it me? Has he met someone new?

No.. Schlatt's personality and addictions are an instant turn off to most women, there's no way its someone new..

"I've known her for a while actually, and oh dear god you don't wanna know what I wanna do to her.."

I chuckled at his comment.

"What's her name?" I felt like I could predict what he was going to say.

"It's Y/N."

There it was.

I elbowed him and laughed; he was too drunk to know he was actually talking to me.

All of this was probably just the alcohol talking but I couldn't help but feel a little happy. I mean he was a.. an okay guy I guess.. Dating him would be surely interesting.

And ooh boy would this me some fucking fun blackmail..

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