Ranboo: Due Date

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Character: Ranboo

Notes: Highschool AU, Minors are students, Adults are teachers

Warnings: Anxiety, Panic attack

Three weeks into the second term of Ranboo's senior year. He was so close to the finish line of his schooling, yet the rest of the year seemed to drag on forever.

He had managed to make it through the first and longest term of the year, but now had the other three to suffer through.

Being in your final year of Highschool was tough, especially when most teachers were merciless with homework.

Ranboo's most due assignment was an oral presentation for his English class. He had finished it before the deadline, barely. But was more stressed about the presentation than the actual deadline.

The half enderman teen had been sent into a panic attack each night he continued working, stressing about the upcoming presentation.

As an Enderman hybrid, Ranboo had taken on a few traits from their species. One of those traits being that he can't tolerate being looked at in the eyes for long periods of time, and with that mixed with Highschool and anxiety was a recipe for disaster..

After stuttering his way through his past oral presentations, trying his best not to break into tears from the uncomfortable atmosphere suffocating him, Ranboo sighed.

Calming his fastened breaths, Ranboo tried to talk himself through the fear.

He knew what happened during those moments where all eyes are on you, and he hated the burning feeling more than anything.

Every chance he got to give a written assignment to the teacher instead of an oral presentation, he took with no hesitation. But unfortunately, the class presentation was unavoidable.

But although through the long nights of stressing that never seemed to end, the day came.

The assignment was due, and Ranboo wasn't sure what to do.

He paced around his room, trying to think of a way to get out of the situation, or get himself through it without breaking down in front of the whole class.

Some teachers would let him get away with only doing a written assignment, knowing of his major anxiety and condition. But I guess having Technoblade as your English teacher can make things more difficult..

He knew there was no getting out of this, no matter how much he tried to convince him.

He arrived at school, and the day seemed to be going slower than ever.

Thankfully, he had English later on in the day, so he had a little more time to figure something out. But eventually it was too late, there was no time left.

Taking slow strides to Technoblade's classroom, each step he took doubled Ranboo's heartbeat.

Setting his laptop, books, and poster on the table, he let out a shaky sigh before dropping his head to the tables surface.

With a light stinging pain to his forehead, he lifted his head a little to look towards Mr Techno. Despite the stray curls of his monochrome hair blocking his eyes, Technoblade had made eye contact with him for a second as he watched each student sit down.

Shivers ran down Ranboo's spine just from that short stare. His body fell suddenly cold.

Ranboo couldn't do this.. He knew he couldn't, he had barely done it in the past.. there's no way he could do it now.. Ranboo needed to get out, he couldn't do this.

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