GhostInnit: My Favourite Colour

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Requested: None

Character: GhostInnit


Warnings: Swearing


There was only one place I would go constantly. Sometimes I didn't even notice myself walking here. It had been a week since it happened.. I couldn't even bring myself to even think about it..

I sat down on the grassy floor, blanking out while staring at his grave..

It was well past midnight, but that didn't matter. I had already mob proofed this place a while ago.

I would've still come back either way...

Tommy and I were.. very close.. Well, I guess "very close" isn't enough to describe how we were..

I heard shuffling behind me.

"You're back, huh?" Tubbo asked, he came here a lot too.

He sat down next to me.

"I thought I'd find you here.."

I let out a shaky sigh, trying to hold back my river of tears. Dropping my head down, I ran my fingers through my hair.

"It's okay, it's just me.. You can cry if you want.." He whispered, rubbing circles on my back.

Even then, I still didn't want to cry.. to be honest, I don't think I could take much more crying..

I knew that Tubbo had already been crying before he came here. His voice was still shaky, and his cheeks were stained with his tears.

Its funny how many times Tubbo and I had run into each other here despite him only being gone for a week.

"What are you two crying at..?"

That voice!

I spun around as did Tubbo.

"Tommy!!" I shouted in joy, standing up and dashing towards him.

He looked confused?

I reached my arms out to hug him, but I only phased through him..

"Oh.. Right.." I whimpered, the tears starting to come back.

"You're a ghost.." Tubbo added.

Why did he still look confused?? All he did was stare at us.

"Tommy?" I asked, starting to get concerned about him..

Surely he remembers us right? Ghostbur still had a half of his memories..

"Wait... You're talking to me??" He asked, pointing to himself.

"oh no.." Tubbo whispered.

"You don't remember us??"

"No..? Wait.. DID I FUCKEN DIE???" Tommy screamed, checking himself to be sure.



"Tommy! What do you mean you don't remember?? Can you not remember anything???" Tubbo asked, mildly shocked.

Tommy took a moment to think. Looking up to the sky, his mouth slightly agape.


"Well, I mean. I do kind of remember some things, but everything just a right mess.."

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