TommyInnit: Flower Prince

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Requested: None

Character: TommyInnit

Notes: Not quite Tommy but have fun anyways. (also before both l'manberg explosions)

Warnings: None really?

I was so carefree, so colourful, and happy. It reminded me of being a child again. I loved the freedom I felt. The freedom for Tommy and I to be together, happy.. We would go outside often, go exploring in lands we hadn't visited before. Even if it had been the same things we had always seen, there would always be something different.

I remember the scent of all the flowers around us. I brought so many home despite my minor hay fever..

Tommy enjoyed seeing me happy and I enjoyed seeing him happy. Although there was a lot of disaster around us, that doesn't mean we're not still allowed to be happy. We would always try and get out of the danger to go and have some peace and quiet y'know? Just the two of us.. It was very soothing.

We were walking through vibrant grasslands, taking whatever we could back with us. I felt like I could be myself, like the real me. The me where I could act like a child and not worry about anyone judging me. The me where I didn't have to be serious all the time because of the things around me. When it was just Tommy and me, we could be free, be ourselves.

I ran off somewhere, over a hill or two as I collected as many flowers as I could fit in my arms before running back to Tommy.

"Tommy! Look at how many I got!" I laughed, sniffling as I threw all the flowers onto him.

"Bloody hell.. Don't tell me were making flower crowns again.." Tommy sighed. He tried to sound as bothered as possible, but I knew that deep down he was enjoying himself. I wish he would let loose every now and again to have some fun, it's sad that he can't because of all he's been through...

"Yess!!" I cheered, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

I sat in Tommy's lap, leaning my head back against his chest, we began to weave the flower stems together. We may have made a little more than we needed, but it was fun.

Now accessorised with my new multicoloured flower crown, necklace, and bracelets, I stood up and spun around, showing Tommy my new look. He chuckled to himself.

"You smell nice.." He mumbled, resting his chin on my head as he took in the scent of my flowers. He hugged me from behind.

"As do you, my handsome flower prince." I giggled, turning around to adjust his crown before booping his nose. He gave me a quick kiss to my forehead.

Although we have been a couple for a long time, we never acted like this even we were alone. Even in L'manberg or Dream SMP, we never acted like this. Its what made this moment of tranquillity special.

We stood on that hill for a while, watching as the sun began to set while Tommy held me in his arms.

It was perfect. He was perfect.. We were so dumbly in love, it seemed we were the only two people in the world. But then I woke up, and the world around me turned suddenly colder.

Sitting up in my bed, I took a minute to wake up.

It was just another dream, another cruel memory of how lonely I now was without my flower prince. I felt just like a flower. Once blossoming with colour, healthy and happy, but then withered.

Without my flower prince to keep me together, I wasn't sure what I would do.

I was never sure what happened to Tommy.. That was one of the things that made me the saddest, all I knew was that after he and Wilbur were banished from Manburg, I never saw him again. Even if I were to sneak out I wouldn't even know where to look for him..

I hope he's alive and well.

Even if Tommy and I couldn't go out for a while, I still tried my hardest to gather flowers every so often. It was nice to wake up to colourful vase of flowers. They had much more of a deeper meaning to me though.

When I looked at the vase of flowers, I was reminded of the grasslands we used to explore, the memories of our explorations together. They reminded me of Tommy, each individual petal.

I had a lot of flowers around my house. Most people didn't understand how much they meant to me, or why I had them pretty much everywhere. But I don't know when or if Tommy is coming back, which I why I keep the flowers. So that even if he never returns ill always have our memories around me, to remind me of the good times we had together.

And maybe one day in the future, everything will go back to being peaceful again. Schlatt will be gone, and Tommy and I will be together again.

I just wanted him to hold me like he used to, hold me in his arms as we faded ourselves from all the stress. I wanted to run my hands through his beautiful blonde curls as I looked into his bright blue eyes. His eyes were so full of passion and energy.

I felt like I was wilting each passing day he was gone.

All I can do is wait, wait and see what the future brings. And I hoped with all my heart that one day I might see my flower prince again..

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