Ghostbur: The Bus Stop

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Character: Ghostbur

Notes: The backstory of L'manberg and Ghostbur aren't the same in this chapter. Phil, Ghostbur, and Tommy all live in the same house, Techno is under custody. And Instead of L'manberg blowing up and Techno summoning withers the two committed an act of terrorism together by bombing and shooting a store filled with citizens, Wilbur being a suicide bomber which is how he died. It's more like the L'manberg story but mixed in with a normal life and with magic.

Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Terrorism.

The streets were quiet, nothing but the sounds calm rain and the occasional car.

This side of town was pretty quiet at nights but pretty much nobody was outside due to the rain. In fact, I only saw a few people a little way ahead of me.

Either way, I made my way further down until I reached my bus stop, closing my umbrella.

I watched as the drops of water fell from the metal roof above me. Things were very silent.


I flinched, whipping my head towards the voice.

"Who's there!?..?" I asked, checking all directions still looking for the person.

I caught a glimpse of something out the corner of my eye. Once my eyes focused on him I noticed that there sat next to me was a ghost.

Our world was full of strange things. Magic to put it simply. Ghosts and spirits were common in our world but it's not often you can properly communicate with one as they usually stick to the people they're most comfortable with.

He looked at me with a smile, his eyes a dull grey. He seemed happy for someone who had died.

"Hello..?" I repeated, greeting him back.

He turned to face me.

"My names Ghostbur." He introduced, his echoey voice repeating himself.

This was the second time I had encountered a ghost, the first being when I was much younger, so I wasn't sure how to feel about all this. My heart started to race slightly faster.

Even from a young age, I was never really scared of ghosts, perhaps his appearance just scared me and not the fact that he's a ghost.

"Mines Y/N. Wh.. What are you doing at the bus stop?"

"What do you mean Y/N?" He asked passively, cocking his head to the side.

"I mean like, you're a ghost? Can't you walk through walls and fly?"

"No, I'm just really floaty. Oh, and I also can't go in the rain or else I melt.."


I sat cross-legged and faced him.

"That's okay though! That means I got to meet you! Y/N!" he stated, clapping his hands as he smiled. I couldn't help but notice he seemed awfully tired, the very much visible bags under his eyes were a clear point.

My expression blank, I took some time to think. I let out a hum, turning my head to my side.

Picking up my closed umbrella from the floor, I held the dry handle out for him to pick up. He honestly looked a little shocked but reached out to grab it anyways.

Only problem was that he phased right through it.

"Sorry.. Sometimes it can be hard for me to hold onto things." He apologised, trying to pick it up again. And again, and again..

"Ehh, it's alright," I assured awkwardly, tucking a stray curl of hair behind my ear..

"Don't worry about it Y/N! I can wait until the rain stops!" Ghostbur added.

"A..Are you sure? I mean, I could walk you home if you want." I offered, Ghostbur just stared at me with the same smile he had this whole time. It looked forced..

I popped open my umbrella and held it out from under the bus shelter.

"come on, I can walk you home and you can give me directions."

His smile grew as he hovered over to me.

"Thank you Y/N." He said, happily.

His happiness seemed so forced. Unnatural.. I wonder what his past life was like..?

"So, Y/N."

"What's your life like?" He asked, looking over at me curiously.

I took a moment to think. Things haven't really been the best financially at the moment so what do I say?

"It's been alright, just having a few issues at work but I'm sure its nothing," I answered, glancing up at him.

"Oh, well I'm glad to hear that things haven't been too bad for you!" he replied cheerfully.

I guess he didn't notice?

Things fell silent between us for a while as we walked in the rain.

"Hey, Ghostbur. If it isn't too much of a touchy subject to talk about, may I ask about what happened y'know, after you passed..?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second, did that sound bad? Oh god, it probably did..

"I don't really know. There's a lot I don't remember. Everyone says that I was a bad guy, but I don't remember being bad." He explained. So, he doesn't remember the bad parts of his past? Oh god, what did he do??

"What do you remember then?"

"Hanging out with my older brother, music, being with my family, and moving to our new house. I remember we had a lot of good times together. I feel like something else happened but I'm not sure.." He explained.

That must be rough, I don't think I could even begin to imagine what he must've been through..

"Hey, what was your old name? From back when you were alive?"

"From back when I was alive? Oh, that was Wilbur Soot.. People always said he was a bad guy; I never liked him very much." Ghostbur stated, looking away with an upset expression.

Wilbur Soot??!? As in the Wilbur Soot who committed that terrorist attack with his brother??! THAT'S HOW HE DIED??

He was a criminal..!!


Wilbur was a criminal.. Ghostbur can't remember any of that.. His family probably hid it from him.

Even though I knew he couldn't control his past now I couldn't help but feel shocked. I did kind of feel a little scared of him now even though there's no reason to.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so frightened?" He asked, concerned. We stopped walking.

"Nothing! Nothing. I'm alright." I assured, loosening my grip on the umbrella handle

"Are you sure Y/N..? Here, have some blue. It'll make you feel better" He said with a smile.

"uhh, thanks Ghostbur. Let's get you home.." 

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