Technoblade: Emotions are a Bitch

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Character: Technoblade

Notes: First Oneshot! Pog.

Warnings: Swearing, Rejection.

Today was the day, the day that I was going to tell him about my feelings. Technoblade.

We had first met back when he appeared to help fight against Schlatt. I wasn't around then but once I accidentally came across Pogtopia I met him. We would hang out late at night, improving Pogtopia and gearing up our defences while the others were asleep.

Originally I started hanging out with him while I was getting to know everyone as I was new to this world myself.

I died adventuring around and ran into them while trying to find my way back to my things.

In our world, all of us people live in the same endless world, and it's rare to come across such a large group of people like this, and it appears I came at a bad timing too.

I knew from what Techno had said that there were a lot of other people nearby, but I had never properly met them, I would just see them around.

Wilbur and Tommy were very cautious of me, as was Technoblade. Nobody trusted me.. But after they told me of their history it was completely understandable.

I was just trying to get to know all of Pogtopia's residents and try to make some allies. After all, I have been alone for quite some time now, and the last group of people I ran into weren't exactly the friendliest..

There was something about Techno, or "The Blade" as Tommy would call him. The aura of his personality somehow drew me in, and while I was meant to be chatting and helping the others I somehow always ended out coming back to him.

At first I'm pretty sure he was very bothered by all the unwanted company, trying not to talk to me at all. But over time he got used to me and accepted that I wasn't going to leave. Dare I say he enjoyed my company.

I soon joined Pogtopia after getting myself more equipped, (with the help of Techno).

Weeks later, a whole lot of drama went down.

I tried my hardest to understand what was happening but was really only helpful during battle. I had been training during most days in preparation. If I was going to be staying and joining these guys I at least needed to be of some use.

No matter what happened, even throughout Techno's plan to take down the government, I still stuck by his side.

I was also now labelled as one of the traitors of L'manberg.

Tommy was now exiled, Tubbo was president, and Wilbur died to the hands of Philza.

Things started to cool down for us.

Techno announced that he was going into retirement and offered me to join him if I wanted. Honestly, it was best if I didn't want to be in all the drama..

So, I agreed and joined Technoblade in his retirement.

Once we found a place to build our house after many boat and horse trips, we temporarily settled down in a nearby cave. The next day we began collecting materials.

And with each passing day, of me getting materials and Technoblade building. I grew more attached to him. And I knew exactly what I was feeling.

But what I didn't notice was that I fell for him..

I had thought it was only a crush! apparently not...

The house was built, and I felt at peace.. Techno and I were comfortably living in our cosy cottage away from all the drama.

Philza visited a lot too, he was fun to hang around. Techno and him would usually go around working on their own projects so I would go out and explore a lot. Sometimes I would go catch up with Tommy (although he was really against me coming to visit), and most times I would hang out with ghostbur and do things around Dream SMP and L'manberg while invisable.

But things were quiet at the moment. A lot of people were busy or left so it was just Techno and me out here, and we really had no plans at all, we were just chopping down heaps of trees.

The sun began to set and both of us had gone back to the house, I explained a couple things with the state of L'manberg on our way home. Since Technoblade's banned I worked as his messenger in a way. I would gather information and tell him about everything I knew.

My feelings grew stronger towards him. I refused to leave him, and if anything were to happen to him I would go as far as to end my own life with no hesitation.

I would stay by his side whenever I could, why else would I have gone out to live with him in retirement?

I loved him with every part of my being and would do everything I could to keep him away from the violence he swore to leave behind. Which is why I knew it was time to tell him the truth about my feelings.

"Hey Techno?" I called, pausing my task of organising my items in my inventory.

"Yeah." He replied,  pouring the glowstone dust I handed him into the glass bottles of the brewing stand.

"Could we talk for a little? I have something I need to explain." I added. He looked at me confused

"You aren't thinking of starting a government are you?"

"No Technoblade.." I laughed

"Cause if you are I might have to end you here." He joked, drawing his axe out.

I started to sweat, suddenly feeling very nervous to tell him the truth. But even after a few seconds of inner debate, I sat down on the floor at his feet.

He stood and stared at me awkwardly before slowly making his way down as well.

I tried not to make eye contact.

I thought for a minute. What if he didn't return my feelings? I already expect it to happen as Techno isn't really one for relationships with people. Hell for all I know he could only be using me for his own personal gain, and I wouldn't know.

So, I started to explain. Explain everything from day one of our meeting. And before I knew it turned into a whole hour of me telling him everything. His classic bored expression began to show, and I knew that I needed to close things up before he lost interest.

I hadn't actually confessed yet, just stalling.. for a while...

So, I stopped mid-sentence. My hands clenching as I dropped my head down. My hair covered my face and my heart started racing.

And I said it. I told him that I cared deeply for him, that I would sacrifice my own life to keep him out of harm's way. That if anything were to happen I would kill myself just so he wouldn't have to be alone, and I could always be with him no matter what.

But what I heard back made my heart stop, made my entire body shut down.

I spilled my heart out, told him everything about how I felt. But then he laughed. And I just laughed along, tears pricking the corners of my eyes.

"Yeah, it was a dumb thought, don't worry about it.. It would only make things harder anyways.." I lied.

My heart was broken. But why was I shocked? I had been expecting this and preparing myself for this day.

But I guess it couldn't be helped.. emotions are a bitch anyways..

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