Impatient Brother

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The captain is quite a nice person. From yesterday, I was just daydreaming about him.

".... there's no gratitude in the world.", Amy continued. Lilly was looking really beautiful. Amy knew how to work.

A knock was heard at the door.

Not two.

Only one.

And I can guess, but I don't want to. Who can it be?

"Who's that?" Amy exchanged looks. Seemed like she was counting on us. "All da girls are 'ere, ain't dey? Are we expectin' anyone else?".

Lilly raised her hand. "I may have an idea of who it is...", she said.

Oh no that's exactly what I didn't want happening. "You don't mean...oh, no, no, no!"

Sprinting forward, I reached the door just as it began swinging open."Oh no, you don't!"
Throwing myself against the door, I managed to squash it shut. But not quite.

"What, pray," came the most familiar voice from the outside,"are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm keeping you out!"

"I had noticed that much. The question is: why?"

How can he be that cold every time? Even today, when it's his wedding?

"God, don't you know anything? It's Lilly's wedding! The groom can't see the bride before the wedding on her big day!" The door started to shift inwards.

"That, Adaira, is a nonsensical superstition."

"On the contrary," I pushed harder against the door, somehow managing to keep it in place.
How can my brother be such a fool? "It makes a great deal of sense! If she catches sight of
your ugly mug, she might change her mind before she reaches the altar, and I won't get the sister I've always wanted!"

"Your efforts are somewhat belated, sister. She has already seen me today."

"Probably just in the dark."

"Adaira! Open the door at once!"

"You know, perhaps you should wear a veil for the wedding too... I could ask Ella to ask Mother to bring you one." It's quite hard holding my brother back. He is really strong but I am not gonna quit.

"Adaira, won't you let him in?" Lilly said.

"What? No way! I couldn't just-"

"Adaira?" She put on her best puppy dog look. "Please? It's my wedding day."

"That's kind of my point" she is impossible, as well as perfect for my brother. "But if you want...fine!" Sighing, I stepped out of the way and pulled open the door. "You can come in if you absolutely must."

My brother scrutinized me coolly. "Thank you, for the warm welcome."

Then his gaze swept past me, searching the room. Until it found Lilly. His eyes were boring into Lilly. My brother is extremely mad at her. Even from where I was standing, I could see his throat move as he swallowed hard.
"There we go.", I groaned. "Bad luck!"

He turned towards us and gave us a look clearly saying 'piss-off'."Could you give me and my fiancée a moment alone?"

I narrowed my eyes infinitely. "That sort of thing usually comes after the wedding, you know."


"Oh, I dunno.", Amy said to me, her eyes flickering between Lilly and brother. "In my experience, it's quite possible for unmarried people to-"

"That's quite enough about your experience!" Lilly said, forcing a smile.

"Really?" Amy grinned. "I would've thought you'd like some advice before the two of ye- ouch!"

How does Lilly get those good friends? Also, my silly brother won't allow me to talk to them!

"I'd be happy to hear your advice later.". This time I saw Lilly pressing Amy's foot. "When
we're alone."

Amy pulled a face. "Spoilsport. Oh, well, if ye insist..."Sighing, Amy ambled over to the door, shooing people along as she went.

"Come on, let's go. The two lovebirds wanna "talk". And she gave me a wink, really a nice one. I want to learn it.

Whistles and whispers rose from Juicy Jenny and Cora the Curvaceous. Me, for my part, I
stuck fingers into my ears, close my eyes, and muttered, "I cannot see, I cannot hear, I have no idea what's going on here, and whatever it is, it does not involve my brother"

"Come on, you!!" Reaching for me, Amy gently grabbed my arm and started pulling her towards the door.

"..cannot see, cannot hear-"

"Yes, yes, come along!" I was dragged out of the room, and the door closed behind me.

That's not good. I can't let my brother stay in with Lilly. What if she changes her mind about marrying my brother? I have to do something.

I knew his weak point.

"Where are ye goin'?" Amy said trying to listen from the keyhole.
"You shouldn't do that!", Ella said to Amy.

"I will be back in a second.", I winked. "And when I will, this door will open automatically."

I searched for Mother. The only person my Brother is afraid of, is, my mother. And if Mother
gets to know that Brother is with Lilly before marriage th-

"Oo dear! What are you doing here." A sweet and happy voice of Mother came from behind
me. What was she doing here?

"I thought you were supposed to be with Miss Linton in her room." She continued.

"Yes, Mother I was supposed to. And I also wanted to choose the pink flower for Miss Linton
but...", I made my best girly stuff face.

"But what? Did Miss Ella not allow you? Aww... don't worry it's her sister's wedding she will do something like this an-"

"No Mother, it's Brother." I cut her off.

"What??" She said with horror. "But how? Shouldn't he be in his room?"

"He came into Miss Linton's room... I tried to stop him. I told him that this is not right. But he didn't listen. And now, he is alone with Miss Linton in the room, and all the girls are out.", I explained with worry.

"Oo that boy is becoming impossible after every passing minute!!", she said angrily. "Take
me to the room, I will teach him a lesson."

I directed her towards the room. When we reached the last turn we saw Amy still struggling
to hear.

I cleared my throat. "Amy, stop that."

"Shhh, I want to 'ear." Then, her eyes met Mother's and she choked in horror. "Umm, I am goin'."

Mother knocked on the door.

Fantastic! And by this, they will open. Huh?

"If you do not leave this instant, you harpy," Mr brother barked, "I will come out there, stuff you into the closest suitcase, and send you back to the den of iniquity you crawl out of it!"

You are going to have the longest lecture ever my dear brother.

I will pray for you.

Seriously? I don't think you are gonna.

Um...yes. I'm not gonna pray for him.

"Rikkard Ambrose! Do you think this is the way to talk to your mother?", an extremely angry
mother said.

"Shhh....." A voice came and I ignored it.

I love the silence coming from inside the room.

A dark silence.

A silent silence.

"Shhh lady Adaira"

A brotherly silence.

An afraid silence.

"Lady Adaira."

An adequate silence.

This time there was no whisper. Somebody caught my wrist and pulled me into the darkness.

"Who the hell?!?!". Then, I caught sight of a very familiar face.

"I am sorry my lady. My apologies. But you were not listening so I had to-", Captain Carter began to explain.

"It's ok. But why? What do you want to say?… is it that important....?", I asked, realising that he was still holding my hand.

"I am here to ask you for a favor.", he said, taking his hand off of mine. "Can you please arrange a secret chat with Miss Linton for two minutes max?"

Did he just ask me to arrange a meeting with my brother's soon-to-be wife?

He wants me dead.

He doesn't care about me.

Why would he?

Just shut up!

"And why do you want that?" I asked raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms. "Are you
gonna run away with her? Let me tell you a shortcut so that my brother can't catch you-".

He burst into laughter.

"No... I am not... I am sure my future has another beauty for me." He winked.

Oh my gosh! I blushed deeply. I didn't want to,but it happened.

Shut this, my body doesn't react in the way I want...

He didn't even mention the name, and my cheeks are burning!

I am sure Captain could see my tomato-red cheeks. "I want to ask them some questions... Where is Miss Linton's grandmother? It's her granddaughter's marriage... and some related questions that are disturbing me..."

I choked. Umm... is he talking about the old lady that Lilly met in Egypt?

I have to do something.

"Oh... Captain do give me a chance to explain." I said cheerfully. "But please promise me, that you won't tell anyone... including Lilly."


What do you think should Lady Adaira tell truth to Captain?

What will be captain's reaction?

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