A pleasant Meal

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I was in a huge jungle. There wasn't any sunlight due to the full-grown trees. Monkeys were swinging on the branches, and there were many insects!!

"Lilly, are you sure this was the place you and my brother found the treasure?", I asked again.

"Yes, and now shut up! weren't you the one who wanted to come with me?" She glared. "I have done so much for you, and you are doubting me? You don't know how hard I have worked to secure this treasure map from your brother... If he finds out, that his wife is in the South American jungle, that too with his dear sister, my my! He will chop me into pieces!!"

"Ok, fine don't remind me.", I said, walking past her. "So are you gonna teach me how to shoot with a gun? Or will we meet the Indians here, or will be catching fish or wi-"

"In your dreams!! Now shut up and come!", She said, and ran forward. She was extremely fast.

"Lilly, Lilly.." I can't find her!! Where did she vanish? I went further down the path to find her.

Suddenly, a sound came from behind. I turned and followed the sound. It was the sound of water.

When I reached there, I saw the most beautiful waterfall. Seeing the fresh water falling made my body feel relaxed.

Grass and flowers were on either of its sides. That made the waterfall look even more magnificent. I was about to step in the water when I felt someone looking at me, I turned to see if it's Lilly, but no it was...

Captain Carter.

I froze for a second. How can he find me in this big jungle?

"Shocked? I thought so." He smirked. "But why sooo shocked? Do you not like my presence? Should I go?", he said, stepping back.

"No. I want you to stay...", I whispered, but he didn't listen and ran inside the jungle.

"No!!", I shouted this time.

"No!", I followed him.


"Lady Adaira, are you alright?", A strange voice rang in my ears.

Stirring in my sleep, I opened my eyes, blinking heavily. I realised that it was a dream. Just a

"Are you alright Lady?", Rose asked.

That was, for sure, a nonsense dream.

"Ah..y-yes, I am fine.", I said standing up. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Lady Samantha asked me to make sure you are dressed properly for breakfast." She gave me a fake smile. "And I heard you say something."

"Oh, that was just a dream.", I said standing up.


Here's my plan...
I will make it seem like I have agreed to that stuff, and wait for Lilly's letter or a new plan...

But that doesn't mean I will talk properly or behave... I will just not protest for the wedding because it's of no use.

"Really mother!?", I exclaimed. "It's just breakfast."

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I was wearing a beautiful yellow gown, my black curls
were left open... (I prefer tying them.)

"I know. And, I want you to be there on time." She said pulling me with her.

We reached the garden where I was about to have my worst meal ever.

It was decorated perfectly... With flowers and a new white table cloth and violet chairs, giving the whole place a royal look.

Dalgliesh and Father were already sitting there. I marched and sat on the farthest chair... away from Dalgliesh.

I didn't greet or say anything, just picked a piece of bread and started chewing on it.

I don't like eating this, but it's perfect if I want to finish my breakfast as soon as possible.

"Ah... Dearie, taste these pancakes," Mother said.

"when did we start eating pancakes?", I asked. This is new...

"It's Dalgliesh's choice...they are his favorite.", Father said, to my surprise.

I bet he doesn't remember my favorite food!

"Oh...if it's his favorite..", I said, extending my hand towards the table as if I was going to pick
a pancake, and picked a piece of bacon instead. "I, will obviously not eat.", I continued.

Everyone was shocked! Except for Dalgliesh who was smirking.

After that, nobody spoke. I kept my eyes on my food, 'cause a certain pair of steel-blue eyes were drilling into me, making me feel uncomfortable.

When I finished, I excused myself and got up. I was just going to run away when he spoke.

"You are looking gorgeous in this dress.", I turned, to see him smiling.

He is teasing me, isn't he?

Ew, disgusting!!

Mother and Father were also amused but didn't say anything to their most beloved Dalgliesh.

"Ok, then I will just go and change this.", shouting, I ran before my mom starts giving me a lecture.

When I was sure that I was far enough and alone in the corridor (where usually no one comes), I started babbling.

"Blast him! Bloody son of a bachelor!! Pure chauvinist!! The greatest flapdoodle! The deplorable, miserable cad! Fool!!, Asshole! Bastard! Bugger! And and and...horse arse, dickhea-"

"My my!! You have a whole different stock of words than any other honorable Lady!" A voice
came from behind, I knew who it was, but I still slowly turned to get a peak.

"Bollocks!", I said as I came across a not-so-friendly Dalglish."Bloody hell!", I turned back trying to run away, but a very strong arm grabbed me.

"Wh-what pray are you do-doing?" I tried to stay strong but I stammered.

Damn this!

His steel blue eyes drilled in my sea coloured ones. Geez! He was terrifying!! I tried to get out of his grip, but he was far more powerful.

"I had the thought of showing you how I can be the things you mentioned... should I?", he
said, roughly pinning me to the wall.

"I always behave like a gentleman... I don't want to do anything wrong before you become all mine... but you always distract me...", I wasn't listening to what he was saying.

I just started searching through my gown with my other hand.
I had kept it somewhere, I was sure...

That's when my hand came in contact with a sharp object. without wasting a second, I pulled the knife out and placed it on his neck. "Back off, now.", I said, and he took a small step back.

I didn't have a gun that I could hide in my gown, but for safety purposes, I had a knife with
me. I put it there after Dalglish arrived. I know he is dangerous, and I will need this.

He laughed. "Seriously, a knife will stop me." he tried to come forward but I raised it again.

"Don't you know I have a gun?", he said, pointing towards his tailcoat.

"First of all, I'd rather die instead of being with you." I spat out. "Second of all, I know you own a gun, and third of all, I know that you will not harm me."

I grinned, I know it's not the right time but I can't help myself.

"And you also know, the fact that I will not hesitate to insert this knife inside your skull, so you better keep your distance.", I shrugged.

"How can you and your brother be this stubborn!! I mean your mother is a simple, afraid lady, and your father... he is a man of peace and can be controlled easily based on family reputation. But you both siblings are a headache!!" He said grinding his teeth. "Do whatever
you can, to stay away from me for these six days... but, you won't be able to do anything after we get married. You will have to do what I ask you to."

"I promise you... that I am not going to marry you...", saying this I dashed past him.

When I reached the main gate, I saw my mother and father standing there, watching a carriage moving towards us.

God! What now!

The coach stopped in front of us. I was curious to see who was inside. A tall blonde man with dark green orbs came out.

Now, who the hell is this new blonde?

"Oh, Jasper, my best cousin you finally came.", said Dalglish.


Now now, a new face, 

what do you think would he increase Adaira's problem, or the other way around?


Do votes and comments.

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