Au revoir?

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Days went on, it's nearly a week and I had learnt to ride a horse perfectly.

"One more round Captain?" I asked. It's kind of enjoyable.

"Ok. But this time it's going to be a race." He winked. "Ready?"

I nodded. "On the count of three"




I raced forward towards the tree that was made our finish point. Captain was leading.

Obviously, he is the teacher here...

I raced my horse forward, "you can do better Jemmy, better than that brown beast Captain has" I yelled.

In reply my white horse agreed in some foreign language, which I don't know, and suddenly ran forward.

When I finally managed to come beside Captain, I made my first move.

"Hold on Jemmy." I whispered to my horse. Extending my hand towards Captain,I tilted his hat such that it covers his eyes, and he lost his balance.

At first, Captain was also amazed
.... at whatever on earth I was doing… I smirked, that was fun.

And racing towards the tree, I
did a victory dance.

I turned back towards Captain, and burst in laughter. He looked so funny, I had managed to let him fall from the horse.

"It's not funny!!", He said, dusting his clothes. "It is not fair."

Controlling my laughter, I managed to say, "It's funny. Indeed very funny."

I said and once again started laughing.

But that same instant, something happens. My dearie Jemmy found it a suitable time to move. My hands were covering my face to prevent laughing, because of which, I couldn’t see.

And… I was dropped to the dirty path, while bouncing back.

Cursing, unlike a ‘lady’ does, I got up. This time Captain was laughing.

"You know what the western people call this? Karma.", He winked.

Dusting sand off of my gown, I froze Captain with a glare. I had learnt this from my brother.

‘Sometimes’, he can be very useful.


I was tired as hell, firstly I fell from the horse, it was not aching at that time, but now, it's aching like hell.

I was sitting on the balcony, eating solid chocolate. The person who invented this... is God.

What a delicious taste it has!! And the way it melts on one’s tongue...

My dreams were interrupted when I heard footsteps approaching. I stood up from my chair, and looked behind, only to come face to face with a flushed Captain.

What the hell happened to him?

He looked very shy and appeared as if he had just argued with himself.

Captain, and shy? Doesn't fit together...

"What's happened, Captain?" I asked.

"Um...I..." He said and I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "Why is it so hard this time?" He muttered.

"What’s wrong, Captain? Are you ill, should I call a doctor," I said.
"What do you want me to do?", I asked.

Come on man, tell me, or I am going to die due to curiosity.

I didn't say it aloud, as he looked
sad enough.

"Um... I want to tell you something." He managed to say.

Crap! Does it the same situation that I have read in novels,

Yes of course, see! He is so confused and shy, and wants to ask something from you...

So if it's the thing I am thinking, then what the hell am I going to answer?

Am I going to say 'yes', but am I ready?

I like him. I like to spend time with him, but does that mean I love him?

The thought itself made a shiver ran down my spines. I am not sure, but it doesn't mean I am going to say no.

No, I am just a bit confused about the results.

"Um...did you hear me?", Captain’s voice made me come back to reality.

"Yes yes. I.. um..yes tell me what you want.", I asked,

"Um...after all the things we did together in this short time...", He slowly started coming towards me. "It made a sudden unbreakable bond between us..."

Crap!! It is the same thing.

"I think.... Adaira..." He said and took in his warm one, my hand.

The sound of my name on his lips has a different melodious effect on me.

"Adaira I think I-I have feelings towards you." He blurted out.
A sudden emotion enrolled in my heart, but..

"I think it was the same for Lilly sometime ago, wasn't it.", I took my hand off him, and turned around so I was not facing him now.

"No, not really.", he said, trying to come face to face.He held my elbows, but I denied eye contact. "I thought it was, but when I met you, my whole world changed. I have to get so much potential to say this to you today, but it was easy the previous time, I think it was
because that time it was just a small attraction, but this time..."

"What’s the difference this time?" I asked, making eye contact, and forcing him show sincerity in his eyes.

"This time it is Love."
I didn't know how to react, what to say, how to say... I am just so-

"Captain Carter, are you up there?"

The questions remained unanswered,

Captain's confession also remained unanswered.

That’s when my sweet mother’s high-pitched voice filled the whole house.

"Yes, Lady Samantha." Captain replied, looking into my eyes pleading for an answer.

But I can't- I don’t know...

As the footsteps approached, we made a proper distance.

"Um... Captain Carter, you received a letter today, you may take it." Mother said, and gave a letter to Captain.

For a moment Captain was surprised, but then he opened it and read it. As he read the
letter, his face became serious.

"What's it dear." My mother asked the question I was just going to ask.

"Duty calls.", he replied, lifting his gaze from the later, and fixing it at me. "It's some urgent work in France, and I have to report there as soon as possible. So may I beg your pardon, My Lady, I have to go. Now."

Suddenly I couldn't breathe anymore, no I can't, I mean... it wasn’t supposed to go like this,
It was supposed to be like,

I will shyly say yes.

And we jump in joy.

Then we passionately kiss,

Kiss, kiss, kiss, till my lungs get all the air out.

And this part of the farewell should be 1000 - 2000 years later.

And on farewell the characters were supposed to be crying their sockets out, not looking at each other for a reply of the confession. Everything here is wrong.

"Ooh. Now." Mother said. "Ok I will go and order Stefan to make a carriage ready for you."

And she rushed away. I was purely taken aback. I know he would go one day, but I was not ready for that.

I turned around to distract my thoughts, and stopped the sudden emotion forming in me.

"Aren't you coming to say goodbye to me." He said, and wrapped his hands on my shoulders.

Ok. So now it is enough. I can't control more.

I turned around, and jumped on him, circling my hands around his neck and burying my face in his shoulder.

For some time he didn't react, just the sounds of me, sobbing, were audible.

But after that, his hands came on my waist and pulled me closer.

"Captain Carter the carriage is ready"

"Why does everybody come in between when we spend quality time?"

"Exactly my point".


"So… are you going for real?.", I asked for the 4562th time.

"Seems like."

"We’ll miss you." My mother said.
"Me too." I whispered softly.

"Au revoir Ada- Ladies." He said realising my mother is present here. I laughed silently.


The carriage went down the path.

Now, we were alone in this mansion.

"Ooh. Am I late to say farewell to Captain Carter?"

I inhaled deeply, no... it can't be!
That’s when, I turned to face to face with,

Lord Dalgliesh


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The adventure is going to being now.

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