Happiness is in the air

105 17 13

Now that's called a perfect day... first comes the fact that Captain confessed... and dumb me... couldn't even answer!!

Second, comes the fact that he has gone to France on an urgent mission.

And third, comes the fact that the Lord of lords thinks that it would be nice if he visits us!!

Can life get any worse?

My mother's face became pale, I bet mine too, is not in a better condition.

"Lord Dalgliesh,... I... I was just wondering, what made you arrive here? Umm... I don't mean
to be rude, I was just..." My mother started off.

Adaira version:- How dare you come here!! And why the hell are you here in the first place?!?! If you don't have any reason, then get out of here or I will kick your ass out myself!!

"My Lady, it's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed. "I am here to meet Lord Ambrose."

"For your interest, let me tell you my brother is not free as you are, he is on his honeymoon, and very far away from people like you." I said. He laughed.

Laughed, seriously!!!

"I wasn't talking about Mr. Ambrose, I was referring to His Lordship Marquess Ambrose."

No! Don't tell me!!

No chance!!

"He is not here.", I explained.

" 'Yet', Lady Adaira, He is not here 'yet', but, he will be here soon."

"Impossible!!" A whisper left my lips.

Suddenly, at that halt, a carriage starts coming towards the mansion, a royal chariot, father's chariot.

After a few moments, more specifically, when my, as well as my mother's, jaw was hanging a bit too low, the carriage stopped in front of us. Its door flew open, revealing the great Lord Ambrose.


As much as I missed him, that couldn't be compared to the anger inside me for him.

How could he do that!?

"How could you do this?", I whisper, Mother came to my side and squeezed my arm.

I looked at her, only to see her giving me the 'Shut up!' look.

Not this time...

"Adaira dear, I missed you." He came forward and wrapped his hands around me.

Come on! That doesn't change anything... Does it?

I took his hands off of me and made a distance, folding my arms in front of my chest.

"What is this behaviour, my dear."

"Come on! You know that! Tell me... why are you here?", I said, rejecting eye contact.

"Is this the way you talk to your father?", Mother yelled. "Let's go inside."

"Yeah, why not? I will talk like this for damn's sake." I said rolling my eyes.

"Adaira yo-"

"Let me talk to my daughter." Father raised his hand. "I am here for a meeting with Lord Dalgliesh, Does that answer your question? Now, let's go"

"Hell, no-"

"Language, young Lady."

"Not today, Mother not today, let me talk.", I said and turned back towards Father. I don't know why, but I was damn angry.

"You didn't pay a visit to your own son's wedding, and you are here to meet this chauvinist?", I yelled.

"Enough is enough!! Come, let me take you to your room, and give a little 'piece' of mind to yo-"

"Samantha, leave her alone. I want to tell her something. I will teach her some manners later." His eyes twinkle.

I can see Dalgliesh smirk. But, I still don't know what he is up to.

"So, my dear daughter.", My father says, "according your language, let me guess... you are a lady now...aren't you?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion, what is that supposed to mean?

"And as a father, it is my responsibility to hand you over to a good person..."

I know what's coming.

"...and I have heard of someone named Captain Carter... having something with you... what a shame, he is in the army! Think of our family reputation dear...".

"What? Captain Carter? Adaira is this true??" My mother asked with suspicious eyes.

I answered with silence... just the way I have learnt from a block of stone, and it was enough for her.

"So, it's true then..." Father cast a gaze at me. "Instead of being with a man who doesn't even know where he'll end up living, you should marry Lord Dalgliesh, he is a respectable-"

Respectable my foot!!

"-man in the society, and you will live a happy life with him.".

Is being serious? There is no way in hell am I going to marry this monster!! I know how cruel he is, how bad... how heartless he is...

Anger and fear took over me. I can't... and I will not.

"See, Father, I will...I will marry anyone you say, but not this man." I pointed at the smirking beast.

"No. I have made up my mind. Look at him...", he turned towards him. "A charming-young-man... What else do you want in a partner?"

"Maybe a brain without evil thoughts.", I suggested.

"Enough is enough!! You're my daughter, and you will do as I say... Understood?", He said coldly.

"But..." I trailed off. But his stare made shivers go down my spine.

"Williams, are you sure?" Mother asked, glaring at Lord Dalgliesh. My father can load all the damage on Rick's shoulders, but the main culprit was Lord Dalgliesh, Father is being blind, and I will find out why.

"No further questions Samantha, the wedding will be after a week, start your preparation."


My heartbeat fastened, I can't breathe anymore, it can't be!

That's a very short time! What
about Captain!!

I can't just marry anyone else... especially not Dalgliesh.

Then it clicked... Lilly.

Ooh for god's sake, my brother will also help me... he is the one who let us know about Dalgliesh's intentions... It was a rumour... but he had suffered, he'll save me...

It doesn't matter how much his heart is made of stone... but I know that I live in it, and he will never let me marry a man like Dalgliesh.

And if he lets me... Lilly surely will not...

... you don't even believe in your own brother!

Ooh, come on! It's not the time.

"But..." Mother said I came to reality. "It's a very short time-"

Exactly, I can't even plan a clean murder in just one week.

"- we have to invite guests, invitations alone take 4days to reach everyone, and it-".

"No." It wasn't my father who said, it was itself Dalgliesh, ooh his throat still works, "I mean, I
have discussed this with Lord Ambrose that there should be no one else except the family, we don't want to waste money."

"Be straightforward, and say you don't want Rick to come." I spat out.

"Dalgliesh is right, no guest will arrive Samantha, not even a single one.", Father said,ignoring my remark.

"Wedding without guests... But... Rick is family, he should get invited to his sister's wedding!", Mother protested.

"I said no. And that's an order."

All my hopes are now crushed...

who will help me? How will I kick this man out?

I walked out of there, and after every step, my speed increased.

I ran to the rooftop for some
fresh air.
How in the name of St.Peter, I can murder Dalgliesh without going to jail? I have to think

Think Adaira, think.

Tears started flowing down my eyes. I had controlled enough, I couldn't hold more.

Everything that happened today started coming back in my memories, my life is pure hell
now!! When I woke up today, I was so happy! And now, here I am, crying my eyes out. I just-

"Lady Adaira." Someone from behind me said.

"Get the hell out of here!!", I yelled back without seeing who it is.

"My Lady, there's a letter for you... um... I will just put it here... and go." I turned around to see Rose, the maid, going.

I shouldn't have said that.

Who cares.

I headed towards the letter and the sender's name was enough to tug the corners of my lips into a smile.

Mrs. Lillian Ambrose.


The story begins?

What do you think will happen

Give suggestions

And sorry if you are disappointed, I know things are running so fast, but what can I say, I am not that good writer.

Cartaira//A Storm And Silence Fanfiction//✔️Where stories live. Discover now