Mission: Escape Dalglish!

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"You look amazing!" Sophia squealed.

"Thanks.", I said coarsely.

It's my wedding day. Hurray, yeah!!

What a beautiful day it is... birds and flowers all around... The church is decorated... There are bushes all around the mansion... and goons in the bushes.

How lovely!

Oh, did I mention? These goons of my 'soon-to-be husband' - ew, let's just call him Dalgliesh, are spread everywhere. And all of them have guns.

To top all that up, Dalgliesh announced that these 'goons' were there for 'safety purposes', in case anything goes against his plan
Oh, there's so much to say...

God, I can't believe this is truly happening.

Fixing the twenty-first pink flower in my black hair, Sophia clapped her hands. "God, I am so jealous of you! You literally look so so soooo beautiful right now! Oh god, I am just waiting to see His Lordship. he always looks so handsome... I can't imagine how he will look today... I
would surely faint, gosh-"

"Ok thank you, just stop that.", I said before she starts saying that mine and Dalgliesh's pair is the best and blah blah.

"By the way, where is Rose?" I asked. I hadn't seen her for the last few hours while Sophia was torturing me.

"Ah, I don't know... I asked her to come, but she was just standing at the front door. And you know, when I asked Lord Adrien, he was like don't you-"

Thankfully, her talks were cut off, because of a loud thud, caused by the door being opened. I saw a terrified look on Rose's face. She was a pure mess.

"Damn, those bastards!!" She spat.

Oh my my! She never curses!

"What's up with you?" I asked, wide-eyed.

Without saying a word, she raised a paper in front of me. For a second, I thought the person she was referring to as a bastard gave her a love letter.

But when I saw the seal, I sprang in joy "Wow!! Seriously?" I snatched the letter from her hand, and did a happy dance.

"It was so hard to get here without being noticed by those men of His Lordship!"

I stopped. How can this help now?

Come on Adaira, there is still hope.

From when did this inner voice become so motivational?

That's not the most important thing right now...


You agreed with me?

On my own will not because of your stupid advice.

"Can you please just leave me alone for some time?", I asked them, making the best puppy eyes I could. "I want to cool down a bit... It's a bit too stressful."

Sophia nodded and left, Rose, who understood, gave a look of disapproval, and left.

"God, please let it be something useful... I promise I will never eat cho- no I promise I will never
eat cookies in my life...".

I cautiously opened the letter... as if it contained an explosive, and read...

Dearest Adaira,

It's so satisfying to hear that everything is going fine... don't worry, I will save you from my

Captain will come soon. He can't live without you.

And yes, I bought some solid chocolates with my money... My husband is very caring and sweet but... he's never gonna let me have my hands on his money.

I am planning to do some shopping or something... but for that, I want a high-level plan.

As for the suitor, I had Karim and Mr. Ambrose for it. I really found out very late, but... I had backup plans too. Like kill, him or my aunt probably, or just run off somewhere.

And, if you want any help just write it down. Now, tell me. What's our father forcing on you? A wedding? Why am I not invited? With whom?

Don't act so smart dearie!! I'm smarter.

I hope you kick your suiter's ass.

Most beloved,
Mrs. Ambrose.

She figured it out??

Then why the hell didn't she come to save me?

Obviously, because she didn't know the suitor is Lord Dalgliesh. But, but... I don't have that seven feet tall Mohammad... nor do I have a block of stone... What can I do? I walked around the room nervously.



Why are you asking me everything?

That's what you idiot!

Fine... let me think... Captain... Where is he?

He's in France... but I need a specific location... France is huge...
The letter!

Oh yes, oh yes! I can just run away far away, and then-

Listen dear,
1) You don't have time to dance.

2) The letter is in Dalgliesh's room.

3) There are goons all around the place, so you can't escape.

4) And if at all you do, Dalgliesh has warned you about the property stuff.

Shut it! You're in a de-motivating mode.

"1) I will dance it's my body.
2) I will be able to get it, 'cause he'll be in the church by now.
3)Umm... the point is valid.
4) I'll burn his goddamn room!"

Enough of talking.

Step 1: Packing.

I took a bag from the cupboard and started filling things in it. Here and there, I tried removing the flowers from my hair.

Why the hell are gowns so space-consuming?! And damn, Sophia!

I took out my secret chocolate store and tried to adjust it between my five gowns.

What the hell?

Remove a gown? Ha in your dreams! I am Adaira Los-

I grabbed two gowns and a corset, and placed them inside the cupboard.

"What next?" I asked myself.

Step 2: Some food. I opened my room door, and sighed as I saw a vacant corridor.

Slowly, walking on my tippy-toes, I reached the kitchen.

Nobody was there. Luck was with me that day!

Without thinking twice, I put a lot of bread and water in my bag, which made it pretty full.

Guess what? I have a feeling Rick's gonna join us in our next meal.

I was just going to leave when a sparkle caught my attention.


I took them for self-defense. Just some 5-6 knives.

I have three more in my dress.
Speaking of the dress... I am still wearing this white gown. I don't have time to change though...

Step 4, collecting the address from Dalgliesh's room.


"Thank god, at last!" It's been ten minutes since I was searching for Captain's letter in this great mountain of papers in Dalglish's room.

He should have locked his room.

Step 5, I have to do something so that Dalglish doesn't do something to Mother and father.

I looked around at the papers scattered around. I can't burn them, since it will draw attention, and I won't get the chance to escape.

Grabbing a few papers, I tore them apart.

"I am just wasting time! Soon, Mother, or Sophia will go into my room, figure out my absence, and I'll get caught!"

Mumbling these lines, I made sure to tear as many papers or files as I can.

I can't rely on pieces of paper. I grabbed a paper, and wrote 'Dalgliesh', and put it in with
Lilly's letter.

I will post it somewhere, and then Lilly and Rick would find a way to deal with him.

Step number... I forgot. Escape without being noticed by goons.
Impossible!! They are everywhere.

Let's look for a way.

Since my whole focus was on the letters that I was stuffing inside the bag, while I was at the door, I accidentally collided with someone and lost my balance.

I was just about to kiss the friendly-looking floor, when someone encircled a hand around my waist, preventing my fall.

I closed my eyes tightly, when he (as I can guess by the masculine
hand), turned me towards him and grabbed my arms tightly.

I am dead! I am dead! I got caught!

"Open your eyes and tell me, what's going on?" I was so buzzed out, that I wasn't able to recognize the cold voice.

Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I realised, I was caught.

I opened my wet eyes slightly and find a pair of sharp eyes looking straight into me.


That's all for todays chapter!

Who do you think he is?👀

Do vote and comments!

Suggestions are always welcome!

(I don't know why but in this chapter whenever I summaries it something looks off, like maybe writing style or character behavior I don't know so please tell if you find something off)

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