Hello Captain Carter!

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"So this is your address" Dean said.

"But it's look like a military camp." Peter wishper.

"Didn't I told you he is 'Captain James Carter', obviously he is in army." I said.

"Oh! I thought the ship Captain."

What the-

"Shut up." I said looking through the bush hole. All the three of us were at the correct address given in the letter.

And yah! Three Mr Jefferson has to leave us as he has a very very important work to do.


"So we can't just go there and meet Captain Carter, I mean it's a military camp, they won't let us in..." I trailed off.

"Hm...my father was an army man, you know Captain must be in the quarters, as it's nearly sunset." Whisper Peter.

"You never told your father was in army!" Dean gasp.

"You never asked." He shrugged back.

"And where are these quarters??" I cut between.

"Must be at the backside of the camp..."

"You think we can go there without anyone noticing it....." Richard asked.

"What's wrong in trying."

"But we still have a problem.." I raised my hand.

"What's that?" They all look confused.

"What am I going to say to Captain Carter." I said in one go.

"Bloody hell-"

"You still stuck there-"

"Listen when you will see him, you would figure out yourself, your heart will tell you." Peter lecture-ed.

"Awww" the other's chore. 

Ok, I can do this, I can do this.

I can't I can't.

Have a bit courage.

Let's face it.


After half an hour of trying to be invisible and seeking inside the windows of the army quarters-

Its really shameful, and when I said this I meant this.

-I was waiting for them to confirm who's inside this 68th quarter. I, on my behalf, after seeing a nearly naked man, have decided to left this work on them.

"I got him, I got him." Richard shouts. "Am sure its him, brown curly hair and a bit bread, with brown eyes...come on he is not that much handsome you described-"

I give him a kick and looked through the window, Richard pointed to. Surely he was Captain Carter, I really missed him.

He was lying quietly at the bed, as if thinking of something. He was looking so tense and weak.

"Go go.." someone wishper.

"From the window?" I said in disbelief.

"No no why the window take the big beautiful decorated door." Dean rolled his eyes. "Don't be so stubborn and jump there."


"You all can go now,"

"What, but we want to-"

"Want to what, it's my personal discussion so let me go and talk, or think why the hell I even come here." I stated. "I don't want disturbance."

"Ohk ohk, we can imagine it's being 'personal'," Peter winked, and they left.

Cartaira//A Storm And Silence Fanfiction//✔️Where stories live. Discover now