Thorins Arrival

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Your POV:

The door swings open to reveal Thorin. "Gandalf" He said "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way twice. Wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door"

Bilbo looked up at this comment and said "Mark, Wh-there's no mark on that door it was painted a week ago."

Gandalf shut the door and said "There is a mark I drew it myself. Bilbo Baggins allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakensheild."

Thorin stepped forward and crossed his arms over his chest. "So this is the hobbit. Tell me Mr Baggins have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon me?" Bilbo said with a shocked expression.

"Axe or sword? What's your weapon of choice?"

"Well I do have some skill at Conquers if you must know." I snorted at this pathetic statement knowing that conquers would be useless in a battle. Bilbo then looked unsure at what he said and continued "But I fail to see why that's is relevant." 

"As I thought, he looks more like a grocer than a hobbit." Thorin stated to which we all laughed. 

We all moved over to the table so that Thorin could eat. I sat down between my father and Gandalf. Once we were all seated and Thorin was eating Fili looked at me and says "What of the girl? What use will she be on our quest?"

Both Thorin and my father were about to say something in my defence but I held up a hand showing that I would defend myself. "Are you assuming that since I am a girl I have less skill in battle than the rest of you?" I say eyebrows raised looking calmly at Fili.

His and Kili's eyes widened at my response and he says "I suppose not."

"That's what I thought." I said coolly and Balin then stepped in changing the conversation topic. 

I could see Kili was still looking at me with admiration as the conversation went on but I made nothing of it.

I zoned out as Thorin and the dwarves spoke but then was brought back into the conversation when Bilbo from behind me says "Yo-your going on a quest?"

Everyone's eyes turned to him as Gandalf says "Bilbo, my dear fellow let us have a little more light." Bilbo made towards something and suddenly the room was bright and had a slight orange tinge to it. The dwarves started informing Bilbo of the information of the quest while I kept stealing glances at Kili to see that his muddy brown eyes were turned to a more golden colour.

I quickly shook myself out of my trance so that I could keep up with the conversation. Fili slammed his hand down on the table and said "We may be few in number but we're fighters all of us to the last one."

Then Kili stepped in excitedly "And you forget we have a wizard in our company, Gandalf would've killed hundreds of dragons in his time."

Gandalf started stuttering and I smirked slightly understanding what Balin meant by not the brightest as the dwarves continued to question Gandalf. The dwarves then started shouting and arguing so I realised it would be best if I stepped in. 

I stood up quickly and shouted over the noise "SHUT IT" all the dwarves looked at me in astonishment and sat down sheepishly. 

Thorin looked at me thankfully as I sat down and said "If we have read these signs do you not think others will have read them too... Rumours have begun to spread, the dragon Smaug has not been for 60 years. Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risk perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back while other claim whats rightfully ours or do we seize this chance to TAKE BACK EREBOR." The dwarves started cheering and raising glasses at Thorins speech.

I then rose from my seat and silently slipped out of the hobbit hole unnoticed.

Kili's POV:

I watched as (Y/n) quietly slipped out of the hole but noticed Fili looking at me so I didn't follow.

A while later I heard the faint hum of a song below.

Far over the Misty Mountains cold

To dungeons deep and caverns old

We must away ere break of day

To find our long forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height

The winds were moaning in the night

The fire was red, it flaming spread

The trees like torches blazed with light

I waited a while longer above the hobbit hole staring at the stars. After a long time the rest of the dwarves came out with all there stuff. Luckily I already had mine so we would be able to get going. Gandalf looked through the group making sure everyone was there. He quickly noticed I wasn't among the group and said "Where's (Y/n)?"

Before anyone had a chance to reply I did a front flip from on top of the house landing right in front of them and saying "I'm right here." This earned chuckles from the group and a few amazed looks at the flip I did. 

Third person POV:

As they moved of (Y/n) failed to notice that Kili was gazing at her in awe after seeing her front flip. Kili had thought she was amazing ever since she first spoke to his brother but this just showed that she would definitely be a skilled fighter.

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