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Kili's POV:

We found ourselves in front of a beautiful city but still I found myself gazing at (Y/n) the way the sun hit her face making her dazzling (e/c) eyes glow. Her hair blowing in the wind framing her face in an angelic way as if she was some sort of goddess.

Someone nudged me in the arm knocking me out of my trance. I glanced over to see my brother smirking at me. "What?" I asked although I'm pretty sure I knew.

"The way you look at her. You love her don't you." He said still smirking. I shoot (Y/n) a glance then look back at my brother "I don't no what your talking about."

"You keep telling yourself that but you should go get her before somebody else does." Fili then walked away smirking as I thought about his words I don't love her do I?

Gandalf asked for someone called Lord Elrond who appeared after a few moments as we were offered food.

I stared at (Y/n) as she tried to convince Ori to eat an apple. I continued to stare at her but a few times she caught me causing me to look away blushing profoundly. Every time this would happen she would smirk I could tell she knew the affect she had on me but some part of her clearly enjoyed teasing me like this. When we were alone though she seemed to reciprocate the feeling. Uggghhh this whole love thing is very confusing.

The songs that were being played by the elves were a very boring tune so Nori leant back and said "change the tune why don't you. I feel like I'm at a funeral." . This resulted in Bofur saying "Ah alright Lads there's only one thing for it." climbing onto a podium in the centre of the are and starting to sing.

There's annnn

Inn, there's an inn, a merry old inn beneath an old grey hill. Across the table (Y/n) was laughing and had a bright gleam in her eyes.

And there they brew a beer so brown

That the Man in the Moon himself came down one night to drink his fill. The rest of the dwarves joined in started to throw a few pieces of food around.

The ostler has a tipsy cat that plays a five-stringed fiddle;

And up and down he saws his bow

Now squeaking high, now purring low,

Now sawing in the middle.

So the cat on the fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle.

A jig that would wake the dead:

He squeaked and sawed and  quickened the tune,

While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:

'It's after three' he said. The song ended with all the dwarves cheering and throwing food. I picked up an apple and threw it hard so that it smashed on the wall right above Lindir's head. (Y/n) gasped but laughed looking at me which I returned with a wide grin.


Your POV:

The dwarves and I made our way to a room where we all sat down quietly for once. Kili was sat next to me and I was laid with my head in his lap while his finger gently ran threw my hair in a calming motion. I could feel Kili's heart rate slowing down to a steady place, looking up I noticed he had fallen asleep leaned against the wall looking so peaceful. His brown hair had fallen across his face so I gently brought my arm up and swept it out of his handsome face.

I then laid back down in his lap and let my eyelids droop sleep overtaking me.

Fili's POV:

I looked over and saw my brother and (Y/n) sleeping peacefully (Y/n)'s head resting in his lap with one of his hands tangled in her hair. Although I constantly teased my brother about the relationship that was forming between them I felt happy that he was able to have someone like this in his life. I really hope they both just come to their senses and realise how in love with each other they are.

I looked over and saw that Balin was also looking at them. He looked at me as I sat down and I said "Do you think they're each others ones?"

"I think so, you can tell by the way they look at each other they're meant to be together."

The door suddenly flew open and Thorin burst in. (Y/n) and Kili jumped up in shock. Thorin looked around at the company and said "We're leaving gather your stuff."

"But what about Gandalf." Bilbo asked.

"We will meet him soon but right now we need to leave."

Your POV:

We all quickly gathered our stuff so we could leave. As I was walking back to the room Lindir stopped me saying "Your leaving aren't you."

I didn't know what to say sure that he would try to stop us. "You could stay here if you want. Your half elf it would make sense." he said making me look up.

"No I could never leave the company and my father." I replied. He sent me a short smile and let me go. As I walked into the room I noticed that Kili had been watching the interaction. "What was that about?" he asked a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"He said that I could stay but I told him that I belong with the company." I said looking down at Kili with a smile. He grinned and then we walked with the rest of the company out of Rivendell.

I took one last glance at the beautiful city shrouded in moonlight before turning and moving away.

The Unexpected Journey (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now