Stone giants

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(Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days I have been busy with school since it has recently just started again, I will try and make up with it by doing some extra chapters this weekend. Thank you💕)

Your POV:

We made our way across open planes, under shimmering waterfalls and over large snowy mountains for what seemed like many hours but we did not stop to rest. 

Soon we found ourselves walking on a thin mountain path that jutted out from the wall but was barely wide enough to go in single file. The heavens opened and were sending bucket loads of rain down on us constantly. Our clothes were soaked through and sticking tightly to our skin as we battled the storm. The sky was dark and an ominous grey as if telling us that something bad is about to happen. Thunder crashed and lightning lit up the sky every once in a while as we held tightly to the wall.

Suddenly Bilbo let out a yell and slipped almost falling if it hadn't been for my dad and Bofur grabbing him and pulling him back against the wall. I heard a shout from the front "WE MUST FIND SHELTER," as we moved along. Then dad let out a shout "LOOK OUT!" we all looked up to see a colossal boulder flying towards the cliff face above us shattering on the jagged rock and pelting the remnants onto our heads as we pressed our bodies into the cliff.

Balin then looked up and said "This is no thunder storm. It's a thunder battle." As he said that a gargantuan being made entirely of rocks disconnected itself from another part of the mountain.

"It can't be. The legends are true. GIANTS STONE GIANTS!" Bofur shouted as another boulder was pelted at a stone giant near us. 

"TAKE COVER YOU FOOLS!" roared Thorin. I was standing in front of Kili when he grabbed me and pulled me down to shield me. Suddenly the ground beneath Kili's feet started to crack he quickly stepped to the side I was on then looked over at his brother in fear. "GRAB MY HAND!" called Fili as he held his hand out to Kili. Kili tried to lean forward but stumbled slightly causing me to grab him and pull him back into me. I could see the terror in his eyes at being separated from his older brother so I held him tightly into me.

We were on one of the stone giants legs while the rest of the group were on the other. Our leg moved along so that it was right next to the cliff. We all quickly ran off onto the path so that we were now on solid ground. We looked over at the rest of the group who were still on the leg holding on for dear life. Then they were suddenly moved forward in front of us and smashed into the cliff face next to us. The leg then was removed from the cliff with nobody on it.

Fear flooded through my body as we ran towards were their bodies should be hoping endlessly that they were somehow alive. As we rounded the corner we found all of them groaning slightly but other than that they seemed fine. As we moved forward to help them up Bofur looked around and said "Where's Bilbo."

We then heard a shout and looked down to see Bilbo hanging of a ledge bellow us. Thorin quickly climbed down and lifted Bilbo back up but then he slipped and dad had to quickly grab his hand and pull him back up. Dad looked worried and said "I thought we lost our burglar."

"He has been lost since he left home, he should never have come." said Thorin glaring at Bilbo bitterly. 

We found a cave and made sure it was clear, Thorin told us that we were not allowed a fire to our dismay so we all laid down our bedrolls and tried to sleep while Bofur took the first watch.

I was laid down on my side and after a moment Kili was lying in front of me so that we were both looking into each others eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked worry laced through my voice.

Kili nodded and quietly said "It's scary that me and Fili have spent all our lives together yet just one thing could bring us apart. He's always been there to protect me and when I couldn't do anything to help him I was terrified."

I looked at Kili and could see all the fear and sadness that was rarely ever seen in him. "Fili will be alright, he's strong nothing will happen to him." He nodded and then closed his eyes slowly drifting to sleep.

I stayed awake for a long time after, unable to sleep. Soon I saw Bilbo sitting up packing away his stuff and trying to sneak towards the opening unnoticed. Unluckily for him he had forgotten that Bofur was on watch, he quickly sat as he saw Bilbo walking past him and said "Where d'you think your going?"

Bilbo stopped in his tracks and looks back at Bofur with a determined expression. "Back to Rivendell." Me and Bofur both quickly jumped up and moved towards him. Bofur and Bilbo sent me a quick look of surprise not having realised I was awake.

"No, no you can't turn back now!" I exclaimed

"You're part of the company! You're one of us!" Bofur continued.

Bilbo looked at us sadly and said "I'm not though. Thorin was right I never should have come. I'm not a Took, I'm a Baggins. I never should have run out of my door."

"You're homesick. I understand." Bofur said.

"No you don't!" Bilbo snapped "None of you do! You're dwarves. You're used t-to this life, to living on the road, never settling down. You don't belong anywhere." He suddenly seemed to have realised what he said because his eyes widened and he quickly said "I am sorry. I did-"

Bofur quickly cut him off saying "No. You're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world lassie." patting Bilbo's shoulder and then stepping back.

"As do I." I say giving Bilbo a quick hug and then pulling away smiling. My smile suddenly turned to confusion as I saw a blueish glow coming from something around Bilbo's waist. "What's that?"

Bilbo looked down at my comment and took a small dagger out of it's sheath. He looked at it in confusion until a look of realisation and fear spread across his face. Suddenly behind us we heard Thorin shout "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

A gaping hole appeared suddenly in the floor causing us all to fall, yelling, through it.

(Sorry again that this took so long to post I've just been getting back into school so I haven't been able to focus on this as much)

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