Goblin Town

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Your POV:

We landed in a heap and quickly struggled to our feet looking around at our gloomy surroundings. I landed next to Kili who had quickly stood up and brushed himself down before holding out a hand to help me up. I quickly brushed of the dirt from my clothes and looked around at our dark surroundings. 

Suddenly a large hoard of goblins came out of nowhere grabbing us and dragging us along the winding pathway. I quickly raised my hood so the goblins would not know I was a girl. I do not wish to become the goblin queen.

They shoved us along until we were on a large circular platform in the middle of the cavern. Music was playing all around us as we stumbled along. A large goblin with a saggy neck was singing a song.

Clap, snap, the black crack

Grip, grab, pinch, and nab

Batter and beat

Make 'em stammer and squeak!

Pound pound, far underground

Down, down, down in Goblin Town

With a swish and smack

And a whip and a crack

Everybody talks when they're on my rack

Pound pound, far underground

Down, down, down to Goblin Town

Hammer and tongs, get out your knockers and gongs

You won't last long on the end of my prongs

Clash, crash, crush and smash

Bang, break, shiver and shake

You can yammer and yelp

But there ain't no help

Pound pound, far underground

Down, down, down in Goblin Town

After he had finished we all glared at him as he spoke "Catchy isn't it? It's one of my own compositions."

"That's not a song, it's an abomination." Balin shouted.

"Abominations, mutations that's all your gonna find down here." Said the goblin king.  "Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom." he continued jumping down from his throne. "SPIES? THIEVES? ASSASSINS?"

"Dwarves your malevolence." said a goblin near the front.


"We found them on the front porch." The goblin said walking forward. So apparently caves are front porches now what world are they living in.

"Well don't just stand there search them," The goblin king said. "Every crack every crevice." we started to get shoved around by the goblins as they removed our weapons. Surprisingly they didn't remove my hood. 

Soon they stopped and the goblin king spoke again. "What are you doing in these parts? Speak. Very well if they will not talk we'll make them squawk. bring up the mangler bring up the bone breaker. We'll start with the youngest." He said pointing at Ori causing me to push him behind me protectively. 

"WAIT!" came a voice from the back of the group. I turned around to see Thorin walking forward.

The goblin king clearly recognised him because he said "Well well well look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain son of Thor. King under the mountain. Oh but I forget you don't have a mountain and your not a king, which makes you nobody really. I have someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head nothing attached, perhaps you know of who I speak. An old enemy of yours. A pale orc astride a white Warg." I held in a gasp at his words clearly Azog cannot be alive.

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