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We rode along in the rain cold to the bone shivering. I heard hooves coming towards me and I looked beside me to see Kili reaching up to place his jacket over my shoulders. I gave him a confused look and said "Kili you'll get cold."

"Nah I'll be fine you looked like you needed it more." I smiled and blushed looking away to hide my face. "Thanks."

From ahead of us I heard Dori shout "Eh Mr Gandalf can't you do something about this deluge?"  

Gandalf looked back with an eyebrow raised "It is raining master Dwarf and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard."

"Are there any?" Bilbo said moving his horse forward.


"Other wizards"

"There are five of us the greatest of our order is Saruman the white. Then there are the two blues. Do you know I've quite forgotten their names."

"Alatar and Pallando."I cut in to everyone's surprise.

"Yes you're quite right (Y/n)."

"And who was the fifth?" Bilbo said.

"That would be Radagast the brown."Gandalf replied.

"Is he a great wizard or is he more like you." Bilbo said sassily to which I had to hold back a snort by covering my mouth with my hand.

Gandalf seemed slightly offended by still replied "I think he is a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the east and a good thing to for always evil looks to find a foothold in this world."

I saw Kili moving his horse passed me so that he was walking alongside Thorin I wonder what they're talking about. I then moved my horse next to Fili's who gave me a smile. "Can I just say since when was Bilbo sassy enough to come up with a line like that. I'm gonna have to remember it for next time I want to insult someone." I said Fili laughed heartily and agreed.

Kili's POV:

"Uncle Thorin can we talk for a moment?"

"Of course. What's troubling you?" He asked.

"Well I don't really know it's just when I'm around (Y/n) I feel something I've never felt before, I'm confused."I said looking over my shoulder to see (Y/n) and Fili laughing at something. Her (h/l) (h/c) framed her face as her eyes lit up with joy.

"Maybe you've found your one. I mean you and her have bonded well over the last day I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one." I nodded in astonishment and we fell into a comfortable silence.


Your POV:

We came to a broken down farm house where we made camp. Thorin told Fili ad Kili to guard the horses and then started a heated discussion with Gandalf. I decided to go into the trees to practise my archery. I found a clearing with an apple tree in it so I aimed my arrow at one of the apples and shot. It hit the centre of the apple and they both fell from the tree. I quickly darted forwards and caught it because why not and it looks cool.

I continued to shoot down apples for a while and when I had a significant pile I made my way back to the camp. As I entered the clearing I placed the apples down by the fire apart from one which I bit into myself. I saw uncle Balin sitting on his own so I decided to go and join him since my partners in crime were looking after the horses.

The Unexpected Journey (Kili x reader) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now