Unexpected Visitors

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(This book is dedicated to all Kili lovers like me. Enjoy💕)

Thoughts will be in bold.

Singing will be in italics.

Your POV:

Me and my dad are making are way to the location where we are supposed to have a meeting with the rest of the company and hopefully get ourselves a burglar. We walked through a place called the shire and quickly found the place we were looking for.

It was a hole in the hill with a circular emerald green door. My dad knocked loudly as I looked at our surroundings. It was very dark but I could still tell it was very beautiful. There were many flowers blooming around the place, it seemed so peaceful and quiet. But as soon as the other dwarves come here I'm sure that will change.

Then the door opened to see a short hobbit with curly hair that was a sort of golden brown colour. My father next to me spoke saying "Dwalin at your service, and this is my daughter (Y/n)." The hobbit seemed very astonished but said "Oh uh Bilbo Baggins at yours," as my dad shoved passed. I smirked knowing full well that Gandalf probably didn't even tell the poor soul that he would be having guests.

Bilbo then looked at me in utter confusion and said "Do I know you?"

I looked at him and smirked "No" I said bluntly slightly enjoying watching his confusion. Then my father walks back towards us and says "Which way Laddie? Is it down here?"

The hobbit looks at him like he was mad "Is what down where?" Poor thing Gandalf has left him clueless if it wasn't so amusing to watch I might have explained things to him a little but then his confusion is just two funny. "Supper" my dad said throwing his coat at Bilbo.

I lean against the wall watching the roller coaster of a conversation. 

"He said there would be food, and lots of it."

"He said? Who said?"

My dad ignored him and walked towards a plate of food on the dinning table and ate it. Even though he's my dad I must admit he has the worst table manners. I continued to lean on the wall watching Bilbo stutter at my dad while confused as hell.

There was a knock on the door and Bilbo went to see who it was. Then my uncle Balin entered the room. "Oh haha, evening brother." My dad looked up from the thing he was examining "By my beard, your shorter and wider since last we met."

"Wider not shorter, sharp enough for both of us." He replied with a wink.

Then he turned to me grinning "Oh hello, Lass I didn't realise you would be joining our adventure." I smirked at him and said "Well uncle Balin, I wouldn't miss it for the world." I then walked passed him into the hallway to look around the ornate space. From the outside you would think that the inside would be dirty and muddy but It was quite the opposite. The rooms had not a speck of dirt on the walls and floor and everything was neatly in a specific place.

From down the hall I could here Bilbo talking to my father and uncle but they both seemed to be ignoring him and talking quietly to each other.

I was brought out of my thoughts by another knock on the door. I decided to go and see who it was this time since unless it was Thorin I probably wouldn't know them. I made my way behind Bilbo to lean against the wall before he opened the door. And yes I enjoy leaning against walls don't judge.

The door swung open to show two you dwarves that were possibly brothers. One of them looked slightly older than me and had long blonde hair and beard with plaits in them. The other had dark hair and a small amount of stubble, he also looked around my age and he was very handsome. I noticed his eyes flickered to me while the blonde one said "Fili". He then nudged the dark haired one who was still looking at me who then turned and said "and Kili." 

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