Radagast the Brown

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(Just letting everybody know that I probably won't be updating as much as I have in the past few days because I am just starting school again so I will have a busier schedule. I will try and post a chapter everyday but if I don't I'm sorry. Thank you💕)

Your POV:

"Somethings coming" Kili's voice said while we were standing outside the trolls cave.

Everyone quickly looked up and Gandalf shouted "Stay together. Hurry now. Arm yourselves."

We all ran through the trees drawing our swords ready for what's coming. I could hear something crashing through the trees coming towards us and then a sleigh pulled by rabbits burst through the undergrowth. A man was sat on the sleigh and he shouted "Thieves, fire murder."

He came to a halt in front of us and we all looked at him in confusion until Gandalf said "Radagast, Radagast the brown. What on earth are you doing here."

The strange man looked at Gandalf and then spoke "I was looking for you Gandalf. Somethings wrong. Somethings terribly wrong."


Radagast opened his mouth to speak but then stopped as though the words had gotten caught in his throat. "Just give me a minute. ohhh I had a thought and now I've lost it. It was right there on the tip of my tongue. Oh it's not a thought at all it's a silly old..." he opened his mouth and there on his tongue was a stick insect which Gandalf then removed. "Stick insect."

All of us moved away to do our own thing so that the two wizards could talk. I was sitting on a log and then someone sat next to me. I looked over and saw that it was Kili, he smiled and said "That's a nice bow where did you get it?"

"I found it in the troll cave. I think it's from Rivendell."

"It's nice. A beautiful bow for a beautiful girl." I raised my eyebrows at this and Kili seemed to realise what he had said and turned bright red looking away to hide his blush. I rested my head on his shoulder and he tensed surprised that I wasn't teasing him for what he just said. After a few seconds he relaxed and snaked an arm over my shoulder pulled me close protectively.

Fili was looking at us a wide smirk on his face but I didn't notice and Kili just ignored him. Suddenly a loud wolf like howl was heard from close by. All of us jumped up from where we were seated and pulled out our weapons.

"Was that a wolf?" Bilbo asked in confusion. "Are there wolves out there?"

"Wolves, no that is not a wolf." I said as I glanced around bow at the ready. Suddenly we heard a growl come from behind us. We spun found and spotted a warg. It was large and had shaggy dark fur. It then pounced forward towards Thorin but I quickly brought my axe out and stabbed it in the chest causing it to fall to the ground. Another one then came from the other direction again heading towards Thorin but Kili strung an arrow and shot it in a heartbeat. It rolled down but was still alive so my father bashed it's head in with his sledgehammer.

"Warg scouts." Thorin said "Which means an orc pack is not far behind."

Bilbo looked up terrified "Orc pack?"

Gandalf stepped towards Thorin and asked "Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?"

"No one." Thorin replied 

"Who did you tell?" Gandalf shouted.

"No one I swear... What in Durins name is going on?"

Gandalf stepped back and looked around "Your being hunted."

My father then spoke up "We have to get out of here."

Ori and Bifur came crashing down from above "We can't, we have no ponies. They bolted."

Then Radagast stepped forward determined "I'll draw them off." Everyone looked at him in shock while gandalf said "These are Gundabad wargs they'll outrun you."

"These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try." Radagast jumped on his sleigh and exploded out of the trees followed closely by the pack of wargs.

We made our way to a rocky expanse where Gandalf told us to hurry up and started moving onto a mossy plane of open grass. As we rushed forwards we were stopped in our tracks at the site of the warg pack running across the track ahead of us. We quickly turned around and headed the other direction. We hid behind a rock and held our breathes as we pressed ourselves into the stone. A warg walked on top of the boulder that we were hidden behind so me and Kili fitted arrows to our bows. Thorin gave us a quick nod and we both jumped away from the rock sending our arrows flying. Mine pierced the Orcs chest and Kili's hit the warg between the eyes. They both fell from the rock but let out an inhumane noise in the process. The rest of the pack heard the cries and came charging towards us. "Move. RUN!" Gandalf shouted and we all sprinted across the plane behind Gandalf. 

We reached a large open space and looked around realising we were now surrounded by orcs and wargs. "KILI, (Y/N) SHOOT THEM!" Thorin roared. We both started shooting down wargs and orcs.

"WE'RE SURROUNDED!" screamed Fili.



Me and Kili continued to shoot at the advancing pack as they closed in. Thorin pulled out his sword and shouted. "HOLD YOUR GROUND!" Suddenly from a rock behind us Gandalf emerged and shouted "THIS WAY YOU FOOLS!" Everyone quickly ran and slid down into a cave. Everyone but me and Kili who continued to shoot the wargs and orcs. From behind us we heard Thorins voice shout "KILI! (Y/N)! RUN!" We turned and ran towards the rock sliding down into the cave bellow Thorin following behind us.

I then realised the position Kili and I had landed in. Kili had landed on top of me his upper half hovering over me held up by his arms on either side of my face. Our faces were inches and both blushing furiously. Kili quickly got off me brushing himself down and offering me his hand. "Sorry" he muttered just loud enough for me to hear. The embarrassment was clear on his face and I realised my face would be similar.

We looked away from each other as the sound of cries and a horn being blown came from above us. An orc fell down into the cave an arrow stuck into it's neck. Thorin bent down and removed the arrow examining the shaft. "Elves." he said bitterly and I looked down although I knew he had accepted me he was still hateful towards my kin.

My fathers voice came from along the pathway "I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or not?"

"Follow it of course." Bofur replied moving past a reluctant Thorin. The rest of the dwarves followed and we made our way through a valley. When we exited we were met with a picturesque place full of beauty.

There was a large town on the hill with shimmering waterfalls and fountains. The buildings were structured beautifully and they were dappled with rays of sunlight. Bilbo let out a gasp and muttered under his breath "Rivendell." 

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