Loving is a Gift (Hebe Panhellenios, aka Juventas)

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Peter Parker, who secretly was Spider-Man, had been set up to a blind date by his aunt, once again. Peter knew that May wanted to see him happy but telling him he had a date in a matter of two hours with someone who worked at the same shelter as she did, wasn't helping him in any shape or form. Though he had to admit that the woman that May made him go out on a blind date with someone very beautiful.

Her golden locks seemed to shine with the rays and the sun and her green eyes looked more like emeralds with how much brightness she was showing off. Her luscious looking red lips were perfect to anyone's eyes and her skin had a pale tone that made her look fragile but amazingly beautiful at the same time. She looks absolutely perfect to him, and it came to a shock that she was not in a relationship with someone else right now.

"Hebe, right? A beautiful name for a beautiful lady, though your name isn't quite common here" Hebe blushed a bit at the compliment as she took in the sight of a very handsome man in front of her. While it wouldn't compare to the beauty some of the gods had, he was very handsome for a mortal. She could appreciate the man in front of her and give him a bit of time before ending their date. She was married after all, and while she knew that her husband had been unfaithful towards her.

"Thank you, Peter" Peter kept smiling at her. He could definitely see that she was enjoying her time, though he also noticed a slight hesitation in her eyes. Eyes that were telling him a story of deceit and hurt, something that he was very familiar with. He would like to know her problems and try to help her, even if they don't end up together as Aunt May expects out of this. "Though my name is quite common from where I came from"

"Where's that?" Peter had to admit that he really didn't know where a name like hers would be common in. The only Hebe he knew was the one from greek mythology, and the only greek god he knew was Hercules because they were both Avengers. And if by some kind of luck, she turned out to be the real Hebe... then he really was out of luck, though it didn't mean that he won't at least hear her out and try to find a way to ease her of her problems.

"Olympus" Hebe simply answered and if his reaction was anything to notice, he knew her husband. She couldn't allow their simple date to be ruined by Hercules when the man was not even there to ruin it himself, so she would be damned if they grew into an uncomfortable silence after that. "You aunt is wonderful, Peter. Working at the shelter and helping all those people..." Hebe smiled while thinking of Peter's aunt. May is really a blessing to many and Hebe saw it. The elderly woman, even when she couldn't hold herself steady economically, May always tried to help others. It was one of the many aspects of Peter's aunt that had made Hebe so amazed by the woman. "She can't stop talking about you, either"

"Yeah... Something she would do" Peter said as he kept on talking with the beautiful woman across from him. Peter wanted to leave right there and then, but he didn't. First of all, he was not going to let Aunt May down after just finding out that the Hebe she wanted to introduce to him was the same Hebe that Hercules was married to. And finally, he wanted to solve the problems that haunted Hebe's soul. Haunting that the woman across from him had buried deep within herself. "From what I can tell you, she never stops talking about me in front of a beautiful woman like you, Hebe"

"You really are on a roll with the flattery, are you Peter?" She giggled as her cheeks turned slightly pink-ish, drinking a bit of the wine she had to distract herself from keep on blushing. She had been given many compliments in her life, but never has she received one that sounded genuine. It has always been because of her status as the daughter of Zeus and Hera, the wife of Hercules, or because someone that still believed in greek mythology was praying to her. She could at least get a comment or two from Hercules from time to time, but he had grown apart from her. "Though... Your aunt wants to see you married, you know?"

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