Welcome to I-Island

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You had done it. After weeks of testing, pushing yourself academically, and getting all your tech built up and refurbished you were ready for the next trail life threw at you. Essentially it was college, but not really. The system was confusing, yes. But this was your invitation to a new sector of your life. You applied to and got into I-Island Academy, a massive technological academy meant to better the world as a whole. And, at the rightful age of 19, you were able to get into the school and you couldn't be happier.

The school had sent out a plane to bring you to the island along with your family to help move you in. Your father pulled the car up to the runway, directly across from the plane. You stepped out of the car and looked on in total awe. Your parents got out of the car with you and looked over to you with smiles.

Father: Nice work, kiddo.

(Y/N): Oh come on. It's not that big of a deal.

Mother: Sweetie, you earned this. Go ahead and enjoy it.

You smiled and nodded slightly. You turned your head back to the plane as three men walked up to the car. Two looked like they were airport employees. The other was wearing casual clothing, a buttoned-up shirt, and long brown pants.

David: Pleasure to meet you. (Y/N) I presume. (You nod) David Shield. I work at I-Island.

You grabbed his hand and shook it, a smile on your face. He smiled too and you stopped the handshake after a few seconds.

(Y/N): Uh, sorry. Just really excited.

David: I can tell. Let my people get your bags. Come on in, we can talk more on the flight to the island.

You nodded and turned back to your parents. You saw the car was already emptied and your stuff was all on the move to the plane. Your parents walked over, introduced themselves to Dr. Shield and you all got onto the plane.

While on the flight, your parents were able to learn more about the academy and the island in total. The heroes that used the island and got support gear, the school that advanced mechanics, chemistry, medicine, etc., it was just impressive to hear about all over again. And your parents were just in awe. After about an hour, David tapped you on the shoulder to get your attention.

David: Well young man. Are you ready?

(Y/N): Yes sir!

David: Then take a look.

Shield pointed to the window and you looked out of it and gasped. I-Island. In all its glory. You had a massive smile on your face as the plane slowly made a descent towards the island. You turned back to your parents and they smiled at you. Shield laughed a little as the plane continued on downward. Once it landed and you were allowed out of the plane, you ran down the stairs and looked out across the island.

Megastructures left and right, people with science projects, rocket testing so forth, and so on. You once again had another massive smile on your face as you just looked around the island. From behind you, your parents and Shield watched.

Father: I have never seen him so hyped up before.

David: Newcomers tend to be like this. My daughter did the same when I first brought her here.

Mother: Is she a student here too?

David: Sure is. And knowing her, she'll more than likely find a way to introduce herself to you all shortly. She loves newcomers.

Father: Well, that's nice. A warm welcome indeed.

Mother: And I suggest we get him into his room before he freaks out and runs full speed around the island.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now