A New Discovery

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You had no idea what you were doing. You slowly came to the realization of what it was you were truly doing. You were kissing Melissa Shield. You wouldn't move back, no matter how much you wanted to. No matter how much your brain yelled at you to stop, you wouldn't. It also didn't help that Melissa was leaning in as well. You felt soft arms move up around your arms as well and wrap around your neck.

You both stayed in this stance for some time. Both of you just locked into the lips of the other. Only when the need for air grew, did you stop and slowly pull apart from one another. You looked at Melissa, not knowing what to do or say. She looked up at you, both of you blushing. You open your mouth slightly, trying to find the words to use. Melissa looked back at you with a similar look. You wanted to take a step back but you honestly couldn't as you both locked eyes with one another.

You quickly looked away as Melissa looked up at you. She softly places her hand on your arm and softly pulls it so you look back at her. She looks up at you and you both stand in silence.

(Y/N): I...I er....I

Melissa cupped your cheek with her hand and she smiles at you.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-

Melissa: It's fine. I...I wanted this too.

You both slowly smiled at one another. You gasped a little, stumbling over your own words as you tried to formulate a sentence for a response. You heard Melissa give off a little giggle as she took a step back from you to give you both some space. You robbed the back of your neck as she looked you over a little bit. She playfully kicked the ground and looked at you.

Melissa: So...uh...

(Y/N): Yeah...uh.

Melissa: What do you want to do about this?

(Y/N): I mean, you want this as much as I do. I don't see why we couldn't at least try it out.

Melissa: Yeah. So, uh...

(Y/N): I...I don't know where to go from here.

Melissa: Neither do I.

You both laughed slightly and looked around for a little bit. You guys really had no idea what to do other than standing there and gaze into one another's eyes. You reached out slightly but it was Melissa who raised her hand and placed it along your arm. You both just laughed a little as she slowly pulled it away and reached down to your hand. She took it and held your hand a little.

Melissa: New discoveries.

(Y/N): New ventures I guess.

Melissa: Yeah.

(Y/N): (Clears throat) We should probably head on back to the lab. We do have a lot of problems to handle right about now.

Melissa: Right. Of course.

Melissa didn't let your hand go. She held onto it as you both began to walk back to the lab. You had no idea how people were going to react. Hell, you had no idea where to go on this road society called "dating". All you knew was you and Melissa were a thing now. And honestly, you couldn't be happier. She was great, lovely and everything.

You guys got back to the lab and quickly walked over to your table and started working. Clearly, Adrian and some of the others must have noticed something else was off about the two of you but didn't address it. Instead, you and Melissa started working on the gauntlet's second version. As you guys were working, you both accidently placed your hands onto one another's, awkwardly pulling away from one another with a chuckle of awkwardness.

You would rub the back of your neck and Melissa would pull her arm up. You both then looked at one another and chuckled a little. After about an hour or 2 of working, it must have been obvious to everyone else in the room that you two were a thing. Something that solidified that to you was when Adrian walked past you and patted your shoulder.

You looked back at him and he gave you a thumbs up as he walked out of the lab to grab lunch. As you and Melissa continued to work, you guys were able to formulate a slimmer shell for the gauntlet and created a nice shell for it. With the slimmed-down design for the gauntlet, you guys got about 5 pounds laid off of it and made it about 20% more durable.

Of course, that wasn't good enough for Melissa. She had already started development of different plans to increase the durability to about 25%. You checked her math a couple of times to make sure she was in the proper ballpark, and thankfully, she was. From there, you two got to work on the shell of the gauntlet. As you were working, you looked at the design Melissa had drawn up and over to the parts kit. She cocked an eyebrow as you walked over to the tot of metal and looked it over.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. You reached up and removed your goggles and opened your eyes. Roughly 20 different images came up in your vision as your quirk took off working. Melissa gasped a little, but now was not the time to be angry or shocked. Now was the time to get advancements forward! You looked down at the prints and nodded slightly as more and more data came in through your quirk. With that, you grabbed some parts and started working.

Melissa looked at you in total shock as you worked to get the framework completely finished. She smiled slightly and walked over to you. As she did, she glanced around and made sure no one was looking in your general direction. Once she knew for a fact the coast was clear, she knelt down and pecked you on the cheek.

Melissa: Thank you.

(Y/N): Don't thank me yet. Now get back to work on the actual gauntlet. I'm not doing all the work for you.

Melissa: Right.

You smiled as Melissa began to walk back. You also let out a soft chuckle, just more amazed by what had happened over anything else. But regardless, you began to formulate the framework of the gauntlet. After about 2 hours of going from print to project, you decided to cool off a little bit and place the framework onto your desk for safekeeping. You sighed and cracked your back as you looked over the project. Melissa walked over and checked it out, even whistling a bit to admire the work.

Melissa: Impressive.

(Y/N): I try.

Melissa: Alright, don't get cocky on me now.

(Y/N): Alright, alright. What time is it? I've got some work to do for Hall and Armstrong I need to knock out and fast.

Melissa: I could always help you.

(Y/N): Since you dodged the question, I'm willing to believe it is late.

Melissa: Yep.

(Y/N): Alright. Let's get to work.

Melissa smiled as you walked back to your desk and resumed your physics work. As you did a little bit of grinding for it, Melissa would walk by and check your work, making sure you were getting everything in order. Thankfully, you really did have a nice grasp of things, but mostly there were some math problems that did get to you. Luckily, Melissa is a woman with infinite patience and was willing to walk you through most of the issues at hand.

After that, you just had a quick essay to write for Armstrong and his seminar. Of course, he wouldn't be grading them, more or less just making sure they were in on time. It was a quick thing to knock out especially since you had more than enough time to get it done. Which also gave Melissa some more time to develop the Full Gauntlet. As you submitted the essay, you spun around in your chair and saw Melissa doing wirework for the gauntlet. You pushed back against the table and slid over to her.

(Y/N): Hey.

Melissa: Hello.

You glanced down and saw she was placing a few wires into place. Once they were properly attached, she leaned back up and smiled over at you. You couldn't help but to smile back at her too. However, after a couple of seconds, you dropped it and cleared your throat a little bit.

(Y/N): You know...it is kinda late.

Melissa: Dinner then?

(Y/N): Oh, you really shouldn't have. But if you insist.

Melissa rolled her eyes and stood up next to you. You smiled at her as you both began to walk off for the day. As you two walked, you reached over and grabbed her hand with yours. Melissa smiled at you as you both walked off from the lab out into the open world.

A bold new discovery indeed.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now