Test Run

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The next few days went by and were more of a slow grind than anything else. While working with Melissa, things did speed up, it was mostly tiring and drained you so much. After about three weeks of work, you and Melissa had developed a working prototype of the arm. So, you guys had developed a set time for a test run of the Full Cowling Mega Buster the following weekend with a few small tweaks here and there.

Finally, you shot awake once again due to the loud alarm at a solid 8 AM. You woke up and did everything as you normally and grabbed a quick bit and headed off for the test run. You were excited, nervous, and just about every other emotion in between. You had gathered some extra parts and a kit just in case you guys needed to readjust the arm just a little. From there, you walked on down to a combat arena used by support designers and got things set up.

You heard your phone go off as you were working on getting sensors set up. You grabbed it and saw it was a text message from Melissa.

Melissa: Hey. On your left.

You rolled your eyes. She was always making references like these, and at 9 AM, yeah, it got annoying. You slowly turned around and saw Melissa bouncing on her pogo stick. She flips forward once she reaches the test zone and lands on the ground perfectly once again. She gives you a wide smile and walks over to you and opens up a case.

(Y/N): What's in there?

Melissa: Our work.

Melissa opened the case and slowly took out the gauntlet you guys had been working on all year. She walked it over to you and showed it to you. She gestured again and you slowly began to understand what it was she was asking for. You nodded and Melissa unclipped the framework and loosed the gauntlet to slowly slip onto your arm. Melissa then clipped the framework back onto your arm and let you gripped down. Mixed with your biomechanical arm, the gauntlet felt stronger, sturdier, and more powerful.

You took a step back from Melissa and looked your arm over. You threw a few punches into the air and looked at it again.

(Y/N): Feels natural.

Melissa: Good! Just keep moving it around.

You did as you were told, slowly shifting the arm around little by little. You didn't want to push it, but you were still slowly moving it little by little. Melissa nodded slightly and began to take down some notes along her pad.

Melissa: Go for something faster.

You nodded and did so. You tossed your arm back and forth over and over again. Melissa watched the arm as you threw it around, more and more. Melissa then held up an arm and silently told you to stop. You did so and allowed her to walk over and placed some sensors along the gauntlet. She then gave you a thumbs up so you began to move your arm some more.

After a few seconds again, she told you to stop and you did as such.

Melissa: Not bad. Durability is fantastic. Now begins the real test runs.

(Y/N): Wait? What do you mean, real test runs?

Melissa walked over to a small drone along the wall. Of course, that was perspective talking. Said drone was at least 6 feet tall and walked over to you. You looked up to it and it looked down at you.

Melissa: Try punching it.

(Y/N): You want me to break school proper-

Melissa: It doesn't belong to the school. And besides, this isn't the first time today that about 20 of these drones have been destroyed. Don't worry about it.

You nodded and looked at the drone. You reeled back and punched the bot, shattering its chassi into millions of little pieces. You looked at your arm, amazed by the force. Melissa typed down the results as she also set up the next few tests. Most of them involved you punching harder surfaces such as stone walls.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now