Insane Classes

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Just like yesterday, the alarm in your room went off again and your head shoots up. Stretches be damned as you did your morning routine and got your goggles strapped onto your face. The red tint was always a little off-putting but at least you could manage it. Your next major project was to find a way to fix the tint so you could see color normally again with them on. Hell, you already drew up blueprints for the design. But aside from that, you had to get up early to get to class on time.

You got your arm fully charged overnight, nerves attached into the wiring, and everything. One of these days, you would upgrade your arm. But that arm would have to wait on your other projects. Now it was time to be educated. You finished packing your bag and took off for the day.

As you walked into the room, you sat down at around the midpoint of the class. You weren't much of a fan of being a front runner, nor did you ever like being in the back. So middle ground was fine for yourself. After you sat down, you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You turned around and saw Melissa sitting there. She gave you a wave and smile as your jaw slowly dropped as you saw her.

(Y/N): Uh hi. I thought you said you didn't have classes today.

Melissa: I don't. I'm an SI for this class. In other words, a teaching assistant.

(Y/N): Wow. And you're younger than me.

Melissa smiled and sat back in her seat. Your professor then walked into the room and lowered his hand to silence the class.

Kaku: Good morning Class. I am Dr. Seigi Kaku. I will be your rocketry instructor for today.

Male Student: We already know doc.

Kaku: It was for the sake of a new student. So, silence young one.

The Male student laughed a little as Dr. Kaku got to work. You popped out your notebook and began to follow along. Honestly, most of the information was relatively easy to follow along with. Mostly because back at your old school you looked up most of this information to pass the time. So, once class was finished for the day, you were feeling good. You got some new information in your head and overall, a pretty solid day.

Once you packed up your bag, you turned back to Melissa and smiled.

(Y/N): So, is it normally like this?

Melissa: Just about. Normally this quiet too. How was it?

(Y/N): It was way more fun than I thought it would be.

Melissa: Well that's good. You have Dr. Hall next, right?

(Y/N): Uh, yeah. Why?

Melissa: Oh, no reason. Just be ready for some intensity.

You cocked an eyebrow but nonetheless nodded and began to leave the room. You glanced back and saw Melissa wave to you as you walked out of the room. You walked down from one building to another just down the road. Once you got into the room, you saw a tall man walk into the room. He slammed down a few bits of papers and yawned loudly. He took out a cigarette and began to smoke it.

He sighed a little as more students entered the room. You looked at him with some level of confusion as he kept puffing smoke. Finally, he looked at the clock and slapped his hands together.

Hall: Alright. Shut up, I don't care. Moving on now. Where we last left off yesterday was detailing the patterns of different star charts and how we could use them for intergalactic navigation. So, get your pansy notes out and start following along.

You were really taken aback then. A teacher who clearly didn't give a crap about their students. Someone meant to have a warm attitude and this is what happens? You had no words to describe how shocked you were. Regardless, you quickly shocked yourself out of it and got back to work like the other students. The math was a little more confusing than others but you were able to push through. That and the student sitting beside you was willing to assist you. His name was Tomodachi. Really nice dude.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now