The Remodeling Process

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You and Melissa had gathered up the broken parts of the gauntlet and got them into boxes and made a walked back to the main lab. Once you guys got into the room, Adrian looked over and cocked an eyebrow. He got off of his step ladder and walked over to the table with the broken pieces.

Adrian: What the hell happened here?

(Y/N): About 7,500 Newtons of force.

Adrian: Holy son of a...what was the max on this thing?

Melissa: About 7,150 Newtons.

Adrian: Nice work, kiddos. You should be proud of yourselves.

(Y/N): We still need to reinforce the framing some more.

Melissa: But, the gauntlet we used was a prototype to my final. That gauntlet could withstand 3,500 newtons of force alone. So the framework was able to get most of the work done.

(Y/N): Then we get working on that.

Melissa: Right. But food.

(Y/N): Good point. I didn't get breakfast this morning. Speaking of, what time is it?

Adrian: It's bloody 6 PM you nerds.

(Y/N): We've been working on this all damn day??!!

Melissa: Guess so. Food time then. Come on.

Melissa began to walk out of the lab. You turned back and watched a little as she walked off. As you watched, you felt something nudge you along your back. You turned around and saw Adrian standing there.

Adrian: Go my man.

You then remember his words. You rolled your eyes slightly and gave him an annoyed look as you walked out of the room. You quickly caught up to Melissa and walked down to the cafeteria. As you were walking, you noticed she did have more of a skip in her step than usual. She also seemed to walk in pace with you.

(Y/N): Uh, so...

Melissa: Yeah?

(Y/N): I uh...Well, that test went well.

Melissa: Yeah. Although the dynamics of it all may need to be reworked. Maybe it is a little too bulky.

(Y/N): I don't think so. I mean, I think the bulk is fine. But how would we go about that?

Melissa: We can worry about that over dinner.

(Y/N): Right!

You were slightly taken aback after that. It sounded like some cheesy dating thing people would say to one another. But, despite that, you shook your head and kept walking with Melissa. The words Adrian has told you resonated with you. "Ask her out", it was odd. I mean, you certainly had a crush on her. had never had a crush on a girl before. You were always working on the next project.

You didn't know what else to really do. So, as you had these thoughts flow through your head and grabbed some food, you just kept your eye on Melissa. You could catch the odd glance your way and a quick turn away. But otherwise, no major signals. Well, whatever these "signals" could be. You shook your head and walked over to a table to eat. While you were waiting on Melissa, the words still hit you. You quickly shook those away and focused on something else.

You pulled out some designs for new goggles. You wanted to find better ways to cure your vision. In other words, cure your quirk. You typed on your computer a bit as you waited on Melissa. As you fixed some math on the designs of the goggles, Melissa walked over to your table and joined you. She gave you a smile as she looked at your designs.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now