First Day of Work

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Your alarm blared in your ear, making you shoot up and look around. You yawned and slammed your alarm clock to make it stop beeping. 7:00 AM. Right on the dot. You cracked your neck and got out of bed and yawned again. So, you crawled out of bed and got ready to get to classes and get work done for the day.

A day ago, you had said goodbye to your parents as they flew back off to Japan. Yeah, it was emotional. And your mom cried a little. But regardless, they left and they had a fine flight back home. After that, you went ahead and worked on getting adjusted to life on I-Island and working with Melissa on a proper tour. It was a nice day, but overall, wasn't all too engaging. Still was a nice gesture though. But now, it was time for school.

Your first class was robotics 101, followed by a seminar with some big-shot professor. It wasn't all that fun but the robotics course was great. The hands-on learning, the ability to do stuff you loved within the first day of class. It was all so great. But once your classes were done for the day, you returned to your room and crashed down on the bed. You groaned a little as you slammed your head down on the pillow, tired out of your mind.

You slowly looked over and saw your desk and the arm you had made two days prior. As you looked at it, your eyes opened slightly and you slowly sat up. You yawned a little and walked over to the arm. You looked it over and then heard your phone go off for the third time in the past two minutes. You rolled your eyes and reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone, seeing what was going on.

Melissa: Hey (Y/N)! Was wondering when you had time so we could work on the arm! Super jazzed about it!

Your eyes widened again. You had almost forgotten the entire plan you made with Melissa. You quickly texted her back, saying you were ready whenever today. From there, you two arranged a time to meet up within the next 10 minutes. You grabbed the arm, placed it in a suitcase Adrian gave to you, and bolted out the door down to Melissa's. She apparently wanted to work on it in private with you, an idea that originally did not go well in your mind.

Either way, you had wandered through the halls until you found the room in question. You cleared your throat once you knocked on the door. You were a bit worried about seeing her, but at the same time, you were ready. Why was this? Well, come on. She was a cute girl and in your socially awkward mind, this was going to be a disaster and-

The door opened and you saw Melissa standing there. She gave you a massive smile and stepped to the side.

Melissa: Hey (Y/N)! Glad you could make it!

(Y/N): Uh, yeah.

You walked inside the room and were amazed but what you saw. A few chemistry sets, more cybernetics, blueprints, support items, it was a dream room. Melissa must have caught on as she laughed slightly at your reaction.

Melissa: That tends to be the normal reaction to robotics team members or just support people. Sorry if the room is a little messy.

(Y/N): Oh, I don't mind at all. Actually, it seems a little cleaner than my own room.

Melissa: Well, that makes me feel better.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Melissa: Oh, don't worry about it! Let's go on ahead and get started.

(Y/N): Uh, ok. If you say so.

You were just a tad thrown off, but nothing too serious. Still, it was a lingering thought. That was until Melissa turned around and slapped a red wristband onto your arm. You looked at it with a confused expression until she tapped it and the band expanded outward to fit the shape of your arm. You were taken aback slightly as she smiled at you.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now