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Once the unpacking process was over with, you and your family had a nice dinner at the Academy's cafeteria. Overall, the food was really stellar and totally worth the long line wait. Once that was all over and done with as well, you wished your parents good night and watched as they headed off to the hotel on the other side of the island. Once they were out of view, you sighed and sat down on a bench beside you. You looked around as the sun slowly began to set on the world.

That's when the tour offer from Melissa popped into your head. You quickly found her contact information and sent her a message saying you were available. Within a minute she had replied and sent you a text back saying she was ready and just needed your location. You just looked around the area and tried to find any landmarks. When you couldn't, you just looked back at your phone and just kinda shrugged it off.

(Y/N): Uh...I have no idea where I'm at. Looks to be about 60 meters from the cafeteria. Along a long pathway down to what looks like a large pit with a mountain in the middle.

Melissa: I know exactly where you are! I'll be there soon!

In your mind, the girl had once again handed you another surprise. So three for three. After about another minute of waiting, you heard some springs coming from your far left. You turned your head and saw Melissa bouncing in towards you with a pogo stick. When she approached you, she bounced again and did a front flip, and landed on her feet. Albeit, she did stumble a bit when she landed.

She shot up and gave you a smile as she walked over to you.

(Y/N): Ok, so you are just impressing me time after time today.

Melissa: Sorry. Was just doing a demonstration and thought it might have been fun.

You walked over to her and knelt down and looked at the stick.

(Y/N): Increase in the spring. I presume there is some weight distribution to maximize height.

Melissa: Along the stick itself. It also kinda helps when you've been playing with these things since I was a kid.

(Y/N): That too.

Melissa: So, that tour.

(Y/N): Right. Uh, maybe we should wait till tomorrow. It is a little dark out.

Melissa: Nah. We can still hit up the more cool areas. Come on. Obviously, you have seen the cafeteria and the dorms, but I want to show you the robotics lab.

Melissa grabbed your hand and began to lead you throughout campus until you caught up pace with her.

Melissa: So...what's life like in Japan?

(Y/N): Not that different I guess. Everything is about the same. Classes are rough but manageable. And the hero scene wow. All Might, Endeavor, Hawks. Heck, some of the younger heroes are looking more like pros every day. America I presume. What's that like?

Melissa: Pretty fun. But not that many people value the skills of the brain until everyone's grades are struggling or college is taken into account.

(Y/N): Ah. Well, that's a little disappointing.

Melissa: Yeah. It does get kinda annoying. But hey, here. Science rules the day. Speaking of, we are almost at the lab.

You smiled as you two walked into a large academic building. You looked around at a couple of classrooms. You then saw a few labs as well such as chemistry, physics, and so forth. About half through the hall, Melissa stopped and slid a card she had and unlocked the door. She opened it and gestured for you to walk inside. You did so and was wowed by what you saw.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now