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It had been about 4 years since you and Melissa had fully developed the Full Gauntlet. And boy, since then, things have been absolutely crazy. From you guys getting a variety of different patents, trademarks, and other legal issues out of the way, to some minor villain attacks and people trying to kill...well all of you. Had to thank All Might and his students for saving several times. Regardless, you two grew closer and continued on your journey, and work on developing new pieces of tech.

Some of these new technologies were a holo-shield, tactical goggles, quirk scanners, and so on and so forth. But aside from all of that, you two were happy. You guys had founded your own lab, got Adrian involved, and exploded in popularity. You guys got more and more work, signed with some support companies, and got even more exposure and more work. But still, you guys had graduated and moved to sunny California. Not the best place to live, and a massive change from Japan to say the least.

But aside from all that, things were going fine for you both. You were currently inside your at home lab, working on some new tech for you guys. Drone technology to be more specific. You were trying to improve security drones for the government and other corporations while also working on delivery drones. As you were working on things, you heard the door to the lab open. You smiled as you knew who it was. You silently allowed her to walk up to you as you kept doing some wirework. She wrapped her arms around your neck and placed her head on the back of your head.

You both smiled and you heard her sigh. You kept doing some wirework as you both continued to stay in your positions and remained almost still. You felt her hair flow around your neck as her head turned and she pecked you on the back of the head. You chuckled a little as she kissed along the back of your neck a little. You raised your arms and stopped her a little as you laughed some more.

(Y/N): Alright, alright. You got me, ok?

You turned around and saw Melissa standing there. You smiled at her and she did the same for you. You glanced down and saw the ring on her finger as well. You smiled a bit wider as you looked back up at her.

(Y/N): So, what's going on with you today?

Melissa: Nothing much. Just got back from a conference with Adrian.

(Y/N): Oh yeah. How's he doing?

Melissa: Alright. Pretty nervous about this upcoming deal.

(Y/N): I mean, we are working with Hawks and Best Jeanist. What did you expect? A walk in the park.

Melissa: Hey. My uncle.

(Y/N): Hey...good point actually.

Melissa giggled slightly and walked up and leaned against your workbench. She looked down at your task and smiled a bit and reached over. She turned the prints and looked them over as you continued to work on the drone. She reached behind the drone and grabbed a socket wrench and handed it to you. You took it and tightened the bolt along a socket for some plates.

Melissa: Military or commercial.

(Y/N): This one is military. The one over there is commercial-based.

Melissa: Want me to get started on that one?

(Y/N): Nah. I can get it no problem.

Melissa: If you insist. I'm going to get some of my own work started.

(Y/N): And what work is that?

Melissa: I'm thinking of making Full Greaves.

(Y/N): So, the Full Gauntlet but for feet?

Melissa: Yep.

(Y/N): Want me to do framework for it?

Melissa: Nah. I got it. I still have our designs from 3 years back.

Melissa Shield X Male Reader: Advancements of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now